Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Brady Campaign Vs Gallup

Paul Helmke states that Gallup polls are biased and unreliable.

Instead he feels we should rely on polls conducted by anti-gun groups showing overwhelming support for gun control that has shown to have no bearing in actual voting trends or activism.

What they're really afraid of is not the fact that the poll was taken last October but that the trends over the last 15 years has shown a steady decrease is support for their cause.

They're really starting to slip in the blood of their Dance Macabre.

Kurt has more on Examiner. Digg it baby.


CNN just conducted a new poll and found similar results to Gallup. I guess they're biased now to.

"Now, a recent poll reveals a sudden drop -- only 39 percent of Americans now favor stricter gun laws, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll."


Anonymous said...

It must really suck being on the wrong side of a negative derivative.... Especially given how it seemed to kind of level off for a few years, and then started sliding down again.

Anonymous said...

Screw the polls. Just try to find ammo despite the fact that manufacturers are running 24/7 making it. That's the only "poll" you need to look at.