Thursday, April 23, 2009

Anti gun forum in Wheaton, IL

The 'League of Women Voters', a group that advocates to 'stop the proliferation of private handgun ownership' ran another one of those 'balanced' forums where pro-gunners outnumbered the anti's 10:1 but no response was allowed. It was of course sponsored by the ICPHV and LCAV, both Joyce Foundation puppets.

Videos were taken and are available here.

The usual debunked anti-gun meme's are presented including a claim that it is easier to buy a gun than get a library card. Uh huh. Sure.

They REALLY don't like having their talking points questioned. Audience members where told there would be a Q&A session after the speeches. Two pre-selected questions were the only ones taken and answered.

"This is a forum, not a place for debate" stated the 'moderator'.

They need the discussion to be one-sided.


Yas said...

I'd like to take this moment to give my Thanks to the league of woman voters, and the ICPHV!

Other that tying up the fire-marshal, and his lieutenant, and the 3 police officers Whom would have better served Wheaton by patrolling the streets . It was really nice getting together with approximately 140 other illinois gun owners. Good Times!

Anonymous said...

Why should in-person hoplophobic discussions be any different than those they execute online? Their position simply cannot withstand scrutiny or dissent, so this is the only way for them to handle the situation without having it handed to them.

I almost feel sorry for people that insecure... almost.