Friday, February 13, 2009

Gargle, Spit, Repeat

In the hopes that it will pass this year, the Brady's are again pushing "Universal Background Check" legislation in Illinois, similar to what failed last year:
Legislation in Illinois that would require Brady criminal background checks on all handgun buyers, HB 48, needs the support of your State Representative. Please urge your State Representative to cosponsor HB 48.
The problem? There already is one. It's called the FOID card and the Brady's have been caught lying about that previously.

They continue their dishonesty thought:
A background check on all handgun buyers is an important way to ensure that prohibited people, like felons and the adjudicated mentally ill, don’t gain easy access to handguns. Currently, many unlicensed sales of handguns occur without a background check.
You need a FOID to legally possess a firearm in IL. It is the requirement of the ISP to revoke the card when an individual becomes a 'prohibited person'.

So the Brady's continue their SOP of blatant dishonesty in order to push their agenda of reducing civilian firearm ownership as much as possible through legislation and lawsuits.


me said...

much more concerning is the entire pile of medical related issues in the spenulus bill that will give government and 600,000 entities access your medical records (mental health as well). Do YOU KNOW if the bradys or joyce isn't one of those?

We have just been fitted with our noose and with passing mentions here and there.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I wonder if they're getting tired of LOSING.
