Friday, December 19, 2008

My 'Line'

I see three grown men trying to pull my daughter into a van? I don't care if they're yelling "Po Po" or not, they will be ventilated.

H/T to Waronguns.


Rustmeister said...

Oh yeah.

Anonymous said...

And then the balls to go into the kid's school and arrest her for assaulting the police after the fact???

"oops, we f***ed up bad. Let's arrest the kid so we have something tangible to cling to when we get our asses sued off.

Unknown said...

There is a good chance, that if this incident happened with my daughter. There'd be at least one police officer dead.

Probably a few funerals, mine and theirs. I am sick and tired of unclothed officer raids. Unclothed officers should NOT be part of raids, just stings.

Do the sting and have the clothed officers roll-in. Otherwise, you're just thugs.

TexasFred said...

Look, I am as PRO Police as it gets, our entire family, both sides, is or was police, Sheriffs, Federal agents or things of that nature...

That said, Police DO f*ck up, this was one of those time. These guys need some serious retribution and I hope the family sues the city BLIND on this one...

If an officer is being denigrated for no real reason I will blast hell out of the offender, when the officers go above and beyond the level of pri*k, I'll be the 1st one to help crucify em too...

Anonymous said...

Look it's happening more and more and you don't have to be a pro or an anti to see it, and the danger it represents to the future of the nation and the people.
If those whose duty it is to protect and defend - fail that duty through deliberate action, or through careless stupidity and neglect does not matter - they enable the destruction of the institutions of democracy.