Wednesday, October 8, 2008

'Gun Guys' funny.

Obama is pandering to the NRA according to Gonzo*:

Sen. Barack Obama panders hard to the NRA in a new ad running in Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina according to Politico.

In the ad, the voiceover says that "Barack Obama supports gun rights, our right to defend ourselves, and the Second Amendment."

Obama has, unfortunately, taken the gun lobby's bait and framed his position on guns in terms of "rights" and "self-protection" versus fighting the lobbyists and special interests who control the agenda in Washington. Hmm, is that really "change we can believe in" Sen. Obama?

Josh Horowitz is working out of a broom closet w/ unpaid interns because he can't afford the rent and Paul Helmke is begging anyone, anyone at all, to bring up gun control so he can pretend he's doing his job as the Brady Bunch president. Even Barack "minor wording issues" Obama knows where the votes are when it comes to firearms nationally.

Hee Hee.

*Would you like some linky-love to get your numbers up? I'm sure your Joyce Foundation bosses would like to see some results from their money. Pop me an e-mail.

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