Monday, November 28, 2016

More IL Anti-Gun Nonsense Bills

Witness Slips and Phone Calls Needed

Oppose HB1016 & HB6615


At the end of the 2016 Spring Session, Representative Kathleen Willis filed Amendment 7 to HB1016 Firearm Dealer Licensing and positioned the bill to move through the House at a moment's notice. Last week, the House Rules Committee re-approved the bill to be considered in floor debate. It now stands at 2nd reading and can move quickly if the sponsor feels she has enough votes. In addition to this, Amendment 8 has been filed, giving the sponsor two ways she can close gun stores in Illinois.

Make no mistake, this bill is about shuttering gun stores through fees and excessive regulation. Regardless of the number of times Ms. Willis tries to force this bill through the legislature, it remains bad law and we continue to oppose it.

We ask that you call your State Representative immediately to voice your opposition to HB1016 in all its forms. This bill can be debated as early as November 29, 2016 so please make your calls Monday, November 28.

Click here for contact information, or here to search for your State Representative.

In addition to HB1016, HB6615 Crim Cd Handgun Ammo Serialize is again scheduled to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee the afternoon of November 29, 2016. This bill, proposing a requirement to encode bullets and shells during the manufacturing process, was the subject of a Call to Action two weeks ago. Your efforts successfully kept it in committee then, and we ask that you help it stay in committee now by voicing your opposition directly to your State Representative, and by filing witness slips.

Please file slips opposing HB6615 now!

Log on to the ILGA Dashboard, Create a New Account, or complete the required fields manually:

I. IDENTIFICATION: Enter your personal information. Enter "NA" for the Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially representing an organization.

II. REPRESENTATION: Enter "Myself" unless representing an organization.

III. POSITION: Unless instructed otherwise for a particular bill leave the description field at its default value "Original Bill". Indicate your position by selecting the "Opponent" radio button.

IV. TESTIMONY: Select the "Record of Appearance Only" radio button.

If filing manually, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.

Then click Create Slip.


HB6615 - Handgun Ammo Serialize - OPPOSE

Witness slips can be tracked here

The Fall Session can be a time of frustration and surprise. Be on the look out for further Calls to Action as we monitor events closely over the next week.

As always, IllinoisCarry encourages you to follow our forum for the latest discussion and updates.

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