Follow the event here and the ISRA will be publishing updates on Facebook and their Twitter feed throughout the day. For those who want to get together w/ me, I'll be near the front of the PCCC auditorium w/ my setup. Hope to see you there.
David Lawson, intent on CCW bills.
ISRA Exec Dir. Richard Pearson and State Treasurer Dan Rutherford.
Otis McDonald and Valinda Rowe
Media personality Tom Schafer talking up the crowd
Illinois Carry's Valinda Rowe
Mike Weisman and Don 'Small Talk' Bekeleski
NRA Lobbyist Todd Vandermyde
More photos.
I'm watching Fox news right now and I haven't seen a single second of coverage, pretty pissed off.
Did you know that thousands rallied today to keep gun information private?
Sean Hmm and yet the link you spotted was submitted by an anonymous AP reporter... can you remind me who filed that Madigan FOIA on the FOID information? Could It have been the AP! One wonder's why the AP suddenly feels privacy suits themselves for a change.
I was somewhat perturbed listening to Cicso Cotto (sp?) talk nonstop about gunowners coming to Springfield to lobby for keeping FOID info private.
He barely even mentioned concealed carry.
My wife said she heard something about it on (I think) NPR. It sounded a bit garbled -- "hundreds of angry gun owner".
Yas, I don't think you were at our table at the reception, but maybe you saw a gentleman walking around in a long, grey coat, with gelled black hair and a permanently pissed-off expression? He honestly looked like the bad guy from a Disney movie; when I asked about him, someone described him as "the one who reminds you of a muppet."
Anyway, Mike Weisman was on hand with answers: That was John O'Connor, and you're right, he's the AP reporter who's fighting to get the FOID database list. He's done a lot of digging at the Capitol and, to his credit, exposed a lot of shenanigans there. Still, I'd bet money he's the author of that piece, which is odd if there's no byline. He was the only AP reporter I saw at IGOLD and he is their man in the Capitol (not that I could name another AP reporter in Springfield.)
Give him this much credit, though, he admits there were thousands. I don't think 6,000 turned out to be accurate, but the State Journal-Register is claiming about 1000-1500 total participants, and I don't really buy that.
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