Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can We be a little Less Biased Please?

In their latest bit of anti-gun 'journalism', the Huffington post shows a bunch of pictures of guns with captions stating how bad they are. They use this statistic on the US:
America leads the developed world for murders committed using firearms, with a rate of 0.0279271 per 1,000 people, according to UN reports from 2000.
As I've shown before, 'developed' is a very subjective term. Bryan Miller tried something like that once and this was my reply:
According to an IANSA document, Mexico is considered "industrialized", is a member of the OECD, and has a higher per capita homicide rate than the US. 5+ vs 3.11. Both Brazil, Russia and South Africa are also considered "industrialized" (all are G8+5 members) but are not members of the OECD and have higher firearm homicide rates than the US. 21.07,(homicide around 20/100K) , 22.04.

They also use the murder number from Switzerland which I've proven to be faulty and artificially inflated.

But the real telling thing is that, instead of linking to the actual UN reports with its nice little disclaimer on comparing international numbers and the most current information available, they cite NationMaster which uses data TEN YEARS out of date.

'Authorized Journalism' at its finest. I'm sure there's no agenda. Right?

Unorganized Militia Gear


kaveman said...

From the 2nd photo in the string...

"Colombia has 0.509801 gun murders per 1,000 people.
In this picture, a Colombian police officer shows on September 7, 2009 one of the 83 illegal weapons, including 15 AK-47 rifles and ammunition of different calibers, seized to gangs in several police operations, in Medellin, Antioquia department, Colombia."

Seized to gangs???

Editors are sooooo over rated.

Anonymous said...

0.02 per 1000 people? Any way you slice it, that's still very low compared to a couple of the other countries HuffPo showed. Especially in light of the total number of guns in the US. Maybe someone should do a murder percentage by numbers of guns in the country, instead of numbers of people.

I REALLY liked the photo of the female Canadian shooter at the range. The sign beside her said "My Gun Protects Your Freedom." Some people (HuffPo) never get it.

B Woodman

Weer'd Beard said...

Super lame!

But they can't help it, it's all they have.

Oh off-topic, but dunno if Kaveman know but Laci has given him some love.

She's so mentally ill and unhinged I've taken to republishing her posts just because it does our side so much good that nuts like her are anti-gun.

Sad Sad little bigot.

kaveman said...

I did see that Weer'd, loved it.

Overload in Colorado said...

I wonder what the rate of murder per total guns posessed would yield? That is, how many murders per 10,000 guns owned?