Tuesday, September 22, 2009

VPC now advocating against marriage?

According to Sugarmann:
In cases where the victim to offender relationship could be identified, 91 percent of female victims (1,587 out of 1,743) were murdered by someone they knew. Of these, 62 percent (990 out of 1,587) were wives or intimate acquaintances of their killers. More than 10 times as many females were murdered by a male they knew than were killed by male strangers.
By his own numbers, marriage correlates more to murder than firearm ownership.

Where weapon use could be determined, firearms were the most common weapon used by males to murder females (847 of 1,657 homicides or 51 percent)

So does Josh hate men? Does he think women would be safer if they didn't marry or get into relationships with them?

Cause that's what his numbers are really saying.

Unorganized Militia Gear

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