Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brady Campaign in Denial

""The Chicago case is unlikely to have much practical impact on most gun laws regardless of how the Court rules. "

He said the same thing over the Heller ruling even though it laid the foundation for this case and the dissolution of several gun bans across the nation.

No, none of those are 'practical impacts' to someone whose organization has suffered so many defeats in the last few years they can't even be considered 'National' anymore as they only have enough resources/support to focus on small areas in a few select states.

Unorganized Militia Gear


Turk Turon said...

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!

The Brady Campaign is gonna lose this one, too. The case for applying the 2A to the states is even stronger than the Heller case. The Supremes incorporated the First Amendment decades ago; even though the 1A begins, "Congress shall make no law..." which would seem to restrict the 1A to federal legislation only, but the SCOTUS went ahead and incorporated it anyway. The Second Amendment doesn't have any such restriction in its text, it just says, "...shall not be infringed." That's a broader guarantee against government action.

Chas said...

Markie Marxist sez: "Heller gave us 'reasonable restrictions'. My commie compadres at the Brady Center will be using that in their fundraising mailings for the next hundred years! I can hear them parroting the Supreme Court's phrase now, 'Please support our efforts to achieve reasonable restrictions on dangerous guns by making your most generous contribution now'. Ha! Ha! All your gun rights are still belong to us!"

kaveman said...

Sounds like the turd suckers are preparing for a loss here.

Please excuse me while a cry a river over a big pile of guns.