My name is kaveman...and I, uh...have a problem.
The roots of it can be traced to my childhood, where I looked up in awe to such figures as Batman(wielding dual .45's originally) and Superman. I always thought Spiderman was kinda gay. Not "wiener in the butt kinda gay" but more of a what a lame super-hero kinda gay.
The gateway toys for me were the obligatory squirt and cap guns. It wasn't too long that my primitive side craved something more hardcore. Spring loaded BB guns naturally lead to compressed air Crossmans and Daisys. The movie "A Christmas Story" influenced me on a deep level.
Got my first .22 at age 12 for Christmas. A Marlin Model 81 bolt action. Still have it.
Rimfire gave way to center fire at the age of 15, and that's the slippery slope I've been riding since.
My addiction has grown so bad that I've branched out into handguns and have been known to buy a holster that doesn't fit anything I have at the moment. This forces me to go out and buy a gun that fits it. Scopes as well. I'll buy a scope first and then have to go buy a rifle to slap it on.
Not 20 minutes ago, I went to the grocery store and bought $67 worth of food. Original bill was over $100 but I've got some mad coupon clipping skills. Then I went to the Sporting Goods store and spent $586 on ammo. Last stop was at the dollar store where I bought my dog some raw-hide chew toys and some bird seed for my feathered friends.
I guess what I'm really seeking is some serious help for my addiction.
I need to buy a gun next week to celebrate both the 1 year anniversary of the Heller Ruling as well as July 4th.
What should I buy?
I have most of the 19 weapons named in the '94 AWB and my current tastes are anything that would make Sarah Brady cry and cowboy singles and lever rifles.
Please help me decide.
I've got a sweet - but not to pricey 3-gun cowboy combo fer ya.
Colt .45 revolver, Colt .45 lever gun and side-by-side 12 .ga with exposed hammers.
The revolver comes with a holster as well.
Already got a Ruger Vaquero in 45 long Colt and a limited edition '94 Winchester in 45 long colt as well.
I'd be interested in the side-by-side alone if it's a traditional coach gun style.
12 gauge trench gun so that you can shoot Wild Bunch cowboy and owning anything called a trench gun is just badass? (I'm assuming you already own a 1911)
Correct, I already got a Kimber 1911.
Got a good pump action 12 gauge, but I would like a Remington 870 Wingmaster or a coach gun.
If money allows, I really want an Extrema 2 shotgun.
You're spending too much at the grocery store....
Would it make a difference if I mentioned the fact that half of the crap in my cart was dog and cat food?
Both my pets are not exactly picky eaters, but I know what they like and give them what they want.
This makes them happy and provides me a bit of insurance that they won't eat my face off while I sleep.
Still searching for "alligator skull in a can" for the pooch but for some reason, it's not readily available.
How about a spas 12?
That should be enough to scare Sarah
I tried to secure a SPAS-12 through a raffle mentioned at saysuncle's site. I sent an email saying I would pay the asking price but i got no response.
Assuming you reload, why not a 10mm 1911? Both Kimber and Dan Wesson make some fine ones.
Actually, I don't reload and even though I like the ballistics of the 10mm, I already have guns in 15 different calibers so I'm a bit hesitent to branch out into a new one.
Come to think of it, I might consider buying some reloading equipment instead of a new gun. Gotta do some homework to find a deal though.
Kevin Baker has a great post on that awhile back:
You could grab components for guns you don't own (yet) in case the bans come back. High cap clips, folding stocks, barrel shrouds, etc. Later, when you have the cash, buy the guns and retrofit them to pre-ban configuration.
BAM! Suck it, Sarah!
Get a .500 S&W and be done with it - :)
Collectors Firearms in Houston has a SPAS 12...
My recommendation is you forego another gun purchase, and put those dolalrs into some reloading equipment. I taught myself to reload about two years ago and I can say from experience that it's fun, saves money, and gives you a sense of independence.
Since Heller was decided by Supreme Court judges, get a Taurus Judge.
Reloading Equipment. And what pray tell are you eating that half your money goes towards pet food? Buy reloading equipment, eat better, save money!!
"Since Heller was decided by Supreme Court judges, get a Taurus Judge."
This is where I've leaning. If nothing else pops up, I will be getting The Judge.
"And what pray tell are you eating that half your money goes towards pet food?"
1. I'm single
2. You haven't met my dog
I'm a nutcase, I admit it, so here's my thoughts (long out of date)
1. FAL FN-9
2. SVD
3. Barret .50
4. Gold Desert Eagle (.50, but meant for show.)
Another option for personal defense would be to MAKE a 12-ga hold-out, single-shot derringer. Fits in the sock or pocket. HAndmade not good for CC in pocket, but... :-D
Make a mess of goblins at close range, and with only one shot available, it's not like you'd be running around picking fights - it would be crazy even if NO ONE is armed there.
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