Thursday, April 24, 2008

3-4 million vs. Zero

Josh is desperate for soundbytes.

Sorry Josh. But when you're trying to disparage a group because of a difference in membership number claims when your organization has received Zero, yes, Zero contributions from "members", you're sounding really pathetic. For some reason it reminds me of the holocaust deniers that claim it wasn't as bad as they say because the numbers (still in the millions) have been reduced down from early estimates.

Truly sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a little confused here. I've taken more than a few math courses in my studies and therfore recognize the number zero to be a rather small number.

What about "America is turning the corner on the gun issue."

Using my advanced math skills I also figured out if we take the 3,000,000 figure to be correct, and there are 300,000,000 people in this country, then 1% of the American population belongs to the NRA. I'm willing to bet that the number of NRA members below the age of, say 10 years old, is probably quite small so the actual percentage of NRA members is probably closer to 1.5% of people older than 10.

I realize that I'm just a stupid redneck with a permanent chaw stain on my chin and driver's side window but I wonder if any other grass roots organization can make such claims.