Thursday, February 28, 2008

HuffPo Hypocrisy..

A site that states "All comments are moderated by 15 real-humans 24/7; approved comments are published to our site very quickly, but not always instantly!"

Means that 15 real humans (as compared to fake ones like those in politics) finds this post acceptable:

I like bacon.
And pork chops.
Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.
Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie...nevermind...ban guns!

yet doesn't "approve" a cited post showing the weakness of said "research". You know, the actual topic of the thread.

Nope. No bias there.


Anonymous said...

I've estimated that 75% of my posts on HuffPo get nuked by these 15 people.

Maybe they're just trying to free up space for solitude.

Gotta go for now, gotta get all the most important news updates from around the world by reading "The Onion."

Gotsa get me some edgemacation.

Anonymous said...

Seems to be a trend with the left, how many times have you commented on Nancy Robinson's Where the gun came from site only to never see them appear?