Friday, October 19, 2007

I feel safe.

O'Hare screeners flunk fake-bomb tests

Undercover investigators smuggled decoy explosives through O'Hare International Airport at alarming rates six years after the Sept. 11 attacks, leading to calls Thursday for better training of security screeners, higher job-performance standards and harsh consequences for failure.

The criticism came as a new government report heightened concerns about the security of the 2 million airline passengers who travel each day in the U.S.

It found that screeners at O'Hare's passenger security checkpoints failed to detect 60 percent of simulated explosives that were hidden in carry-on bags or in the clothing of agents working for the U.S. Transportation Security Administration.

Isn't that the whole point of government? To make us "feel" safe? I think we should arrest these journalists and ban them from writing for violating my civil right of not feeling safe.

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