Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why Are Gun Control Activists So Violent?

From 'Think Progress', the group that found 4 out of 4 million NRA members to selectively quote, comes a comment from one of their readers:
My absolute favorite gun statistic is the large number of gun owners that use their guns on themselves. Seems, if there were more of you, there would be fewer of you.
And another:
nra ~ The Little Pee Pee Lobby

I cream my jeans when one of these gun hard on's kid has a gun accident.

Keep it classy.

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Why We Oppose 'Private Sale' Bans, etc.

When private sales of firearms are forced to go through FFL dealers, this is the ultimate goal of gun ban advocates:
The only licensed firearms dealer active in Washington says he is closing his business temporarily, meaning D.C. residents will have no way to legally buy pistols under a landmark court decision that ended the city’s handgun ban.
He lost his lease and it will take months at the very least to start operating in a new location if at all. Of course the fact that Josh Sugarmann of the VPC is also an FFL dealer but doesn't run a business is ignored.

We've seen this in Illinois as cities try and push out FFL dealers and Chicago bans ranges required to obtain a handgun permit. The ONLY purpose for these arbitrary laws is limiting ownership of firearms. They can cry 'public safety' and 'for the children' all they want but this is the only result that can be found.

And this is why I and thousands of others fight against the imposition of these arbitrary requirements. Because when I'm called a 'conspiracy theorist' or 'unreasonable', I can point to these effects as evidence.

And I'll continue.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Obviously We Need MORE Laws!!!

The PEGheads apparently missed the irony of Tweeting a link to a story of an 8yr old obtaining a handgun at school for $3 and bringing it home.

In Queens, New York. #6 in Brady Rankings w/ Licensing, Registration, no private sales, the works.

Turns out the original owner didn't bother w/ any of that.


One more law would have stopped him, I'm sure.

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No More #gunconversation w/ @CSGV and Ladd Everitt

Just like I predicted, Reasoned Discourse is breaking out on Twitter when the PuSH'ers find themselves on the losing end. In this instance Ladd Everitt of the CSGV decided he can't get beyond calling people (like Chuck Norris) traitors and insurrectionists and having his lies exposed so he blocked me.

I guess they don't like having it thrown in their face that they're irrelevant when it comes to Nat'l politics. The best they can manage is having a few people retweet some half true factoid. No-one comes to their support when they're being slapped around by the half-dozen plus gun bloggers that pay attention to them.

Kurt says it best:
As a @ -Designated "Insurrectionist," I'm so scary that @ feels the need to block me on Twitter. How can we have a ?
So which group will be the next one to admit they can't win in open debate?

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

NRA Annual Meeting Funnies

W/ 65,000 people expected to attend the 2011 NRA Convention in Pittsburg this year (which I am unfortunately unable to attend), the PuSH'ers are going positively apoplectic over it as is typical. They need to try and keep as much attention on themselves as the machine slowly runs over their hopes and dreams.

What they're pinning their hopes on this year is the VPC report that gun ownership is in decline. They REALLY need to believe that and to convince their 'true believers' it's factual as well. Nevermind they haven't had a victory at the federal level in over a decade and even their state level victories are few and far between. Plus Walmart. That's got to sting.

But the real funny comes at their promoting the PEGhead protest on Sat. They're asking people to print out their own fliers to hand out.


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Ignorant Fudds

Another 'I'm a gun owner but...' comment on Huffpo.
I have guns in my home and would feel uncomforta­ble not having them for protection­. However, there should be sound and effective gun laws that restrict automatics­, large magazines, assault rifles, along with gun training, gun registrati­on, etc. These laws in no way prevents gun ownership as stated in the 2nd amendment. As for the NRA, it is the closest terrorist organizati­on we have in the United States. NRA Board of Directors are paid a very high salary for something that is already guaranteed by the Unites States Constituti­on.

So obviously this individual has no clue just who was involved in two recent Supreme Court cases and why. You know, the fact that 'registration' was used to prevent ownership of firearms.

Or the fact that Chicago is using training requirements to continue restricting ownership even after they lost that last case.

How about those 'intermedi­ate power sniper rifles'?

Or the likelyhood this individual knows nothing about the terms he's used except for what he's read in the papers. Because it doesn't effect him, he doesn't care.

And calling the NRA a 'terrorist organization' is just stupid. Disagree w/ them? Fine. But don't be a complete ignoramus.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Doing my part

For those who have followed my posts, you know that I buy at least 2 guns every year. I buy one in May for my birthday and one near July 4th for the Nation’s Birthday. I also have a nasty habit of buying guns in addition to these two traditional purchases.

Sitting in front of me is all the gun related crap I’ve purchased so far in 2011:

1. Rossi Ranch Hand gun.
2. The Cricket .22 rifle. Eventually this will belong to my nephew, but for now it’s mine.
3. Two Chinese-style AK-47 drum mags…75 rounds each.
4. Six 30 round AR-15 mags.
5. Two 25 round mags for the 10-22.
6. Two Tri-Care Gun Cloths.
7. One can of Metal Seal Rust Preventative.
8. One can of Barricade rust preventative.
9. 1050 rounds of .22 ammo.
10. One pocket knife and two novelty Freddy Kruger booger hooks.
11. 20 rounds of steel-core 7.62x54 ammo, ya it’s legal in Oregon to buy when you stumble across it.
12. Some assorted specialty ammo for my M6 Scout gun, Rotts, Bolos and Flechettes. As well as some Flaming Blue Devils in .45 Long Colt.

When I say specialty ammo, I mean custom jobs which run 3-4 dollars per round. Not to mention that everything listed was Made in the USA.

Cash for entrance to gun and knife shows is $15 and at least $100 sent to the NRA in addition to my membership dues.

But let’s not forget that we’re pathetic and small. A dying breed according to the Brady Bunch.

“Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.” -Napoleon Bonaparte

I’m open to suggestions as to the purchases of my “May gun” and my July 4th gun.

Let them wallow in misery; trying to secure funding. I will be keeping to tradition as they continue to epitomize epic failure.

They must change if they wish to advance. eg telling the truth.

We must continue doing what has proven successful in the past. eg telling the truth.

The antis will read that and somehow twist it into a small-dick terrorist whatever and that.

We can defeat them by simply doing what we do regardless of their existence.

Sure………..engage them for entertainment purposes. But never forget that we spank them by simply existing.

Never forget that.

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Josh Sugarmann @VPCinfo Eating Some Crow

Back in '06. Wally-world decided to drop firearm sales from most of its stores. Joshie creamed himself.
The marketplace has spoken and the losers are America's firearms industry and the gun lobby.
Today, Wally-world realized that wasn't such a hot idea and is changing back:
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is quietly bringing back rifles, shotguns and ammunition to hundreds of U.S. stores as the hurting retail giant seeks to reinvigorate its one-stop shopping appeal and attract more male customers.
That dying industry again.

h/t to Kurt Hoffman.

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Snuffy Faces the Consequences.

That obnoxious turd Father 'Snuffy' Pfleger has been suspended from his church for being, well, an obnoxious turd.

This, for newer or non-Illinois readers, is the Priest who threatened to 'snuff out' an FFL dealer while protesting w/ Jessie Jackson (who later moved onto more media grabbing pastures).

Actions have consequences. And all we hear from the gun ban advocates are apologetics "He didn't 'really' mean that".

Hopefully this time it will be permanent.

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Firearm Ownership Poll?

W/ the VPC touting their report that firearm ownership is dying (right before 65,000 people attend the 2011 NRA Annual Meeting) Linoge asks the question:

If someone called claiming to be from a legitimate polling agency (Gallup, for example), would you answer accurately/truthfully as to whether or not you had firearms in your house?

Go and take the poll.

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The @CSGV, Ladd Everitt, 'Traitors', and Opinions.

Ladd Everitt at the CSGV likes to call people 'traitors'. In this instance it's when he can't pigeon hole simplistic answers to a complex debate. He attempted to do so to Sebastian SIH by deliberately misconstruing what Sebastian said.
@ No, it's the fact that you think you have the right to determine on your own what "causes" justify violence. That's treason.
Sebastian replied:
@ "It's the fact that you think you have the right to determine on your own what "causes" justify violence." Not what I said.

@ Then please do clarify who decides when it's time to shoot and kill gov't officials and law enforcement officers.
Note they've completely redirected the topic in an attempt to entrap.

So SIH gives his opinion.
@ Too complicated for Twitter Haiku, but it would have to be organized by state or local governments. Unorganized resistance is anarchy.
Well Ladd Everitt glommed onto that like a frat boy to a drunk sorority girl.

Since they couldn't get me to give them a yes or no answer and can't provide evidence of me endorsing violence, they once again returned to the character attacks and insults.
@ They are hardcore insurrectionists who spend a great deal of time trying to justify the use of political violence.

@ @ We just did, b/c you refuse to state that you have no right to engage in political violence against our gov't.

@ @ You're a sad little insurrectionist who embraces violence, the epitome of a traitor to our nation.

@ @ Why don't you have the guts to state what you believe? It's obvious, why not own up to it like Sorrentino?

@ @ Do you have the guts to renounce right to individual political violence? Or are u also a coward & traitor?

So Ladd didn't get the 'hive mind' response he wanted nor simplistic answers he could play the Socratic method on. And then he just made up more nonsense and threw out the insults. Just like he did to Cam Edwards in an e-mail sent to NRA news. I mean really. These are the kinds of taunts a 10yr old might use on the playground.

And his final reply to this post:
@ Thank you for formally documenting that you're an insurrectionist. Handy link to refer back to.
Humpty Dumpty really needs to learn the meanings of words before he uses them. I can't wait for him to put me on their Facebook page so I can get a flood of hits from the gun blogs.

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Lying sack of crap

Helmke saying the Brady Campaign never pushed for DC or Chicago gun bans???

Seriously folks, he's losing it.

Update: Based on some of the comments, I'm linking to an old post in case people missed it.

Update from Thirdpower: Since they've enabled 'reasoned discourse' and don't allow comments, let's not give them any traffic. Video embedded.

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Det. Joseph Bielevicz. Ignorant or Lying?

In the days before 65,000 attendees arrive in Pittsburg for the NRA Annual Meeting, the usual hit pieces are coming out. This one by a City Detective pushing the old meme that the NRA wants to arm criminals. Unfortunately for him though, in his long winded attack, he makes a (at least one) glaring error:
Do you, as a resident of Pennsylvania, want to know how many guns were recovered and traced last year in your state? That's easy -- just gather the chiefs of Pennsylvania's 1,150-odd police departments in a big room and have them cobble together the trace data from their respective agencies.

Want a breakdown of how many handguns, shotguns and rifles were recovered? Ditto. Because, while the NRA is understandably against releasing individual gun owners' names, it also opposes the public dissemination of even the most basic statistical data on gun recoveries.
Apparently this 'Detective' of 18yrs is either lying or is completely ignorant of this thing called the internet. Let's help him out. Here detective. Using this magical tool called the 'internet', I went to From there I typed in 'search' "Trace Data". It took me there. Then I clicked on 2009 and Pennsylvania.

There ya' go Detective. Took me a whopping 2 minutes, and that only because I had to get up and let the dog out.

So why didn't you mention that? Are you honestly clueless about simple resources like that or are you deliberately lying and using your job title as stump to publish 4 pages of nonsense and ad hominem character attacks.

Here's an idea. Do your damn job.

But looking at your history of pushing for gun control laws, you're more interested in spreading the usual BS than solving crimes.

Bitter has more on this ignorant hit piece over at SIH.

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