I woke up this morning as I have so many times before...to the sound of gunfire. The sharp crack of the gun is obviously drowning out the screams of the fallen innocents. The Oregon town I live in has about 300 residents. I have to guesstimate because we don’t even have a “Welcome” sign with the actual population listed.
I also estimate that we have about 3000 guns in town due to the neighbors I’ve met. And as everyone with a lick of common sense knows; where there are guns, there are gangs, violence and raw death. Not two days ago, I saw a child, no more than 12 years old, walking down main street with a shotgun slung over his shoulder. When he spotted me eyeing him, he threw up a gang sign I’m not familiar with; raising his right arm and rapidly pivoting his hand left and right.
I currently find myself in the crossfire with incoming rounds from the north and south of me; obviously a running gun battle between the rival gangs which infest my community.
MS-13 has taken up shop near a well established deer trail, definitely a high traffic venue where they can ply their drug trade. Their arch rivals, the Latin Kings have recently secured some defensive turf near the large oak tree down by the river.
The Crips and the Bloods have grown weak in the face of these new Hispanic gangs and only hold sway over two small neighboring pastures full of horse crap. There is talk of an alliance between these two traditional rivals in order to survive against the Rolling 60’s, which defend a nearby gravel bar and have shown interest in the fields of horse crap as a strategic expansion.
As soon as the first gangs established a presence here, I got rid of all my firearms in order to keep myself safe from the rising tide of gun violence. My preemptive action helps me feel a bit better knowing that I am not adding to the problem.
Since my town is so small, we don’t have a police department of our own and must rely and those in surrounding locals, a dozen miles away at the nearest.
When I dialed 911 this morning from behind a pile a sandbags in my kitchen, I got what I figured to be a lesson in the latest gang slang.
They were all talking about Turkeys, Toms and Gobblers.
When I asked how long it would be before they could respond to my plight, they coldly stated that they wouldn’t respond at all. Obviously intimidated by the strength of the gangs, even the police are apparently paralyzed in their wake of domination.
My only recourse is to form an alliance with the roving bands of Indian savages which roam the Northwestern United States.
I simply pray that a few shiny beads and bits of colored ribbon will be enough to turn them away from the dark side after the Trail of Tears, Wounded knee and the Custer thingie.
Pray for me…it’s the only protection I have.