Saturday, October 13, 2012

PuSH'ers Hate 'The People'.

We all know that Dennis Henigan, legal hack for the Brady Campaign, stood on the steps of a courthouse and forgot to add 'The People' when quoting the Second Amendment.

Well now we have the CSGV attempting to erase it from the entire US Constitution. This is how Josh Horwitz/Ladd Everitt states the COTUS begins:
 This was reflected in the very first line of the Constitution: "To form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
And what did they leave out?  Something important. What could it be?
  "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
 Oh Right.  The People.   Not the Government. Not the State. The People. They really hate that phrase because when it's used, all their collective, statist fantasies of the Gov't 'granting rights' and monopoly of force fly out the window just like all the other myths one needs to believe to be a gun control advocate.

H/T to reader LegleEagle45

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ladd Everitt & CSGV Still Defending Genocide

In response to this statement made by me in reference to a tweet from (and later attempted to deny) a staffer at the CSGV:
“Commenter: So the Govt rounding up citizens based on Religion or Ethnic ID would not warrant armed resistance if courts bless as constitutional.

CSGV: Correct.

Just one of the many statements made by the CSGV in support of the American Dream. They later tried to deny this statement.”
Ladd Everitt responds:
 So you're saying you think you have a right to shoot our elected officials, cops and military service members when you disagree with decisions made by our courts?
 So in his attempt to try and redirect the topic away from his group's endorsement of historical events, all determined to be legal at the time, like the Japanese and Native American internments, Warsaw Ghetto, Soviet Gulags, or the Boer War camps, Ladd tries to expand the topic to ALL court cases since he knows he can't morally or ethically defend that statement. IOW, as long as the courts say it's OK, the CSGV would have no problems w/ the authorities busting in your door and rounding up all those untermenschen. You know, like 'right wing insurrectionists', mormons. or anyone Ladd just doesn't care for.

That's the CSGV American Dream in action.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

@CSGV's Double Standards

On Josh Horwitz's latest screed messing himself over CD printers, I posted a bit on their hypocrisy regarding what they call 'insurrectionists' and how they ignore any that would be classified as 'left wing' or at least not 'right wing'.  This was Ladd Everitt's response:
How is this example you cited here "insurrectionism"?
 So. Talking about how one doesn't like the direction the country's going and suggesting it may lead to violence makes one an 'insurrectionist' and a 'traitor' but ACTUALLY threatening a politician with a gun for being in a neighborhood that tends to vote the opposite party doesn't. If you're of the correct political persuasion of course.

This is the same organization that implied a political ad was advocating violence because a picture of a gun happened to be pointing at the President.This is also the same organization that has endorsed the rounding up of citizens based on religion or ethnicity if court approved.

So yeah, when Ladd Everitt calls someone a 'traitor' or 'insurrectionist', what he's really calling you is a 'right winger I don't like'. Anything done by the (appropriate) gov't or 'Left wing' is ok.

Update: Uh oh. Looks like I got Ladd all upset by quoting him.  He brought out the big guns on twitter.  Militia, racist, traitor, insurrectionist, the works:

So again, being a 'traitor' or 'insurrectionist' is what THEY say it is, just like Humpty Dumpty on his wall. In one instance, threatening a local politician w/ a gun isn't 'insurrectionism' but in another where a local gov't is shooting people for trying to vote and the people fight back, then holding elections, is treason.

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Accuracy is Essential

Another 'report' of selectively cherry-picked and highly suspect statistics by Josh Sugarman.

 I've tweaked the critical line for accuracy.
 "The study offers a series of our standard boilerplate talking points that we put out w/ every Google generated 'report' in order to justify my continued paychecks funded by the Joyce Foundation" 
 There. That's better.

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Chicago Sun Times Gets It's Gun Ban On

It used to be the Tribune that called for the abolition of the 2nd Amend but the Sun Times is now the one wearing that mantle. In the wake of Cook Cnty declaring that law abiding firearm owners should be taxed for the actions of criminals, the ST puts out multiple op eds supporting it and other laws that will in no way effect criminals. All the while blaming firearm owners, shop owners and even victims of crime w/o nary a mention of where the blame actually belongs.

First is their support of the 'reasonable' measure to tax firearm owners because of all the victims of gang shootings and because the county is running out of ways to cover up their disastrous handling of the budget. We've covered that here. What's funny is their use of Elliot Fineman of the NG(V)AC as their go to guy.

Then comes their attempt to punish victims of crime because gang members steal guns and use their family members as patsy's to get others. Note their stats.  Out of 93 confiscated guns, they were able to trace 9 of them w/ a purchase of 3 years or less. Less than 10%. So they want to pass a law putting the onus of criminal activity onto firearm owners statewide.  Does that make any sense to you?

So do what you should. If you have a subscription to the Sun Times, cancel it and write them a letter why. Their readership is declining and we can make it decline even more.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

CSGV, Ladd Everitt and Cries of Treason

The CSGV and their Comm. Dir. Ladd Everitt like to throw about the words 'Insurrectionist' and 'Traitor' in practically every post or comment they make. Like a Liberal Arts Major using screamings 'Fascist' and 'Racist' whenever they're losing an argument, Ladd and his cohorts have no idea what those words really mean.  Art. 3 Sec. 3 of the COTUS clearly defines what treason is:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. 
 The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
That's pretty specific isn't it? Anyone w/ a glimmer of intelligence can see that I nor anyone that have been the recipients of Ladd/CSGV's 'Insurrectionist Award' have levied War nor given aid and comfort to our enemies.  So why is the COTUS so detailed in this definition?  Why let's ask James Madison in writings that Ladd ignores in his effort to subvert the Bill of Rights.
"As treason may be committed against the United States, the authority of the United States ought to be enabled to punish it. But as new-fangled and artificial treasons have been the great engines by which violent factions, the natural offspring of free government, have usually wreaked their alternate malignity on each other, the convention have, with great judgment, opposed a barrier to this peculiar danger, by inserting a constitutional definition of the crime, fixing the proof necessary for conviction of it, and restraining the Congress, even in punishing it, from extending the consequences of guilt beyond the person of its author."

– James Madison, Federalist No. 43, "The Powers Conferred by the Constitution Further Considered (continued)," Independent Journal, January 23, 1788; Rossiter pp. 269-270
So basically they knew that wingnuts like Ladd Everitt would start throwing out the charge of 'Traitor' against anything they didn't like, hoping to smear people since they can't win their argument on their own foundations. And just like the Founders felt, we should take claims claims as seriously. In other words, not at all.

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Legal Gun Owners Responsible For Cook County/Chicago Crime

That's the latest volley in the push by Illinois Democrats to ban guns, in this case by Cook County board president Preckwinkle. They at least admit what the goal is though: "The idea is to curb the number of guns in circulation".

So who are they really trying to effect here?  The criminals, who I'm sure will bother paying all these taxes, or the poor and middle class firearm owners who want to protect their families and/or enjoy the shooting sports.    
“This is just another example of the blame game — Chicago and Cook County has a gun violence problem, Chicago’s got a high high school drop-out rate, they’ve got a drug problem, they’ve got a gang problem, but they want to make legal gun owners, guys like me, the scapegoat,” said Todd Vandermyde a National Rifle Association lobbyist who works in Springfield.
“It is another way to enact a Jim Crow law and keep people from exercising their constitutional right, he said.“All you’re doing is jacking up the price of guns and ammunition — for someone who can least afford it,” he said.
 It's funny that while the Democrats are screaming about voter ID laws 'disproportionately effect poor and minorities", their leadership are pushing laws that disproportionately effect poor and minorities. I had a guy ask me the other day why there aren't any gun shows in Cook County.  Well, outside of the fact that half the guns are illegal there w/ their 'Assault Weapon Ban', this is the reason.  Just think of all the fees, restrictions and bureaucracy an organizer would be subject to if they tried to have one.  All for the very reason of "to curb the number of guns in circulation".

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Handguns: Now w/ Bluetooth

That's the latest 'fact' put out by Elliot Fineman of the NG(V)AC.
"Further, a checked gun can be remotely fired using a cell phone. "

Yep. Then throw in some 'Explosive Decompression" and you've got the next Die Hard film plot. Better than snakes I suppose. 

I actually looking forward to these 'fact' sheets. Not just for Onion-esque factor each one gives but that we can now associate the silliness to all of their 'board members' even though I'm sure few if any of them have had anything to do w/ the 'group' since the complete and absolute failure of their 'Starbucks Boycott' campaign.

I also kind of feel sorry for Elliot. My kids used to watch a British animated show called 'Mouse House' which started off w/ the 'Grandmother' relating the story of the mice in the wall. I always made the joke "Granma's talking to the mice again". Elliot's not far from that.

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Kathleen Willis Is an Idiot and a Liar

The Democratic Party of Illinois (headed by Chicago based 'leadership') is on an all out push to promote gun control among their candidates. The are funding multiple mailings calling for 'Assault Weapon' bans and claiming their (R) opponents want to arm criminals.

Kathleen Willins, the D candidate for Il state rep-77 is one of the candidates they're supporting.

Saviano was endorsed by the ISRA in 2010.  And that alleged bill against 'background checks'?  It was a bill that failed bipartisanly to ban private sales in the state, neglecting the fact that the FOID card is already proof of a background check. Of course the 'assault weapon' lie has to be thrown in to scare people even more.

So she's an idiot for allowing this kind of literature to go out in her name and she's a liar for the very claims she allows. It's funny though that the spend all this money on these mailings but don't have a mention of it on her campaign website.

Photo and H/T courtesy GSL.

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