Thought I’d share some unconventional wisdom given to me by my Father when I was about 10 years old.
“Always tell the truth.”
Well, that’s it; thanks folks and goodnight.
OK, maybe I should splain a bit. My Father, of course covered the obligatory virtues of being honest and all that crap, which is exactly what it was to the ears of a 10 year old boy, crap; but that was not his focus.
He told me that I should always tell the truth so that I wouldn’t have to trouble myself remembering all the lies I told to who and when and where. This would free up brain space to learn about crap that I DIDN’T think was crap.
This intrigued me.
I honestly don’t remember the exact example he gave but it went something like this…
Fred Flintstone calls home and tells Wilma that he has to work late.
Fred then invites Barney and Mr. Slate to a night of bowling.
While bowling is underway, Fred tells Barney and Mr. Slate that Wilma just called and needs him home immediately but that they should stay and enjoy the evening since the lane is already paid for.
Fred then goes and has a raunchy 3-way with Betty and The Great Gazoo.
Dino happens to be taking a dump in the side yard and witnesses some rather delicate moments through the window.
All is well and good until people start talking to each other.
Wilma asks Mr. Slate why Fred had to work late.
Mr. Slate asks Wilma what the emergency was that prevented him from finally beating Fred in 5 consecutive frames.
The lane jockey behind the counter wants to know who’s going to pay for the night of bowling.
The Great Gazoo has filled his space helmet with ice and is resting his junk in it while muttering something about being from the future and that it’s no big deal.
Barney is curious as to why Betty is walking all funny and Dino is asking EVERYBODY why they call it a Dirty Sanchez.
Hilarity ensues.
So what in the hell is this brain fart doing on a gun blog?
The Brady Bunch has told so many lies in the past that no matter what they say now or in the future, even if it’s the TRUTH, will directly contradict something they have said previously.
Ban handguns because they are small.
Ban .50 cals because they are large.
Ban so- called “assault rifles” because they are medium sized and fire what is clearly defined even by the ebil gun lobby as an intermediate cartridge.
Please note that according to the antis, all 3 categories of weapons are “the preferred choice for criminals and terrorists” simultaneously.
We support a Federal “Assault Weapon Ban”.
We think individual States and Cities should be able to enact their own gun policies.
Guns are useless for self defense.
If attacked, call armed cops to come and defend you.
Gun free zones keep people safe.
Look at all the mass shootings at schools!!!!!!!!!! Here’s where I dance a little jig and touch my naughty place.
There’s maybe kinda sorta probably 1 or 2 other examples I’ve missed, but I hope my first point is made.
But that is not my focus.
All is well and good for the antis until we start talking to each other, to the antis themselves, to the neutrals nervously chaffing themselves on the fence, the dying main stream media and to our Dear Congress Critters.
It has almost become cliché’ to say that we are a community, but that really does fit us best.
The antis wish to portray us as some sort of collective Borg mentality incapable of independent thought from the hive, but our very presence, our own individuality adds one more chink in their armor of hypocrisy. All must choose their own path.
Resistance is not futile.