Saturday, September 7, 2013

MOMO-Rons; The Stupid, It Hurts

The title gives you a hint at the levels of stupidity involved in all of this:

Shooting breaks out – at anti-violence vigil

Those of you familiar w/ these types of story KNOW what's coming next:
 Mothers of Murdered Offspring sponsored the vigil, calling attention to last Thursday’s death of Javon Booker, who police say was fatally shot when he allegedly tried to rob a convenience store on Tom Hunter Road in north Charlotte.

Read more here:
 Yep, the 'vigil' was for a thug killed while committing a violent crime. Obviously attracting a high class of people.

And when called on it, they respond w/ a bizarre, rambling post full of unicorn farts and gum drop turds. 
We don't condone violence or misbehavior of ANY KIND EVER but we do support families....families of a dead son, daughter, sister, brother, mother, father etc. We don't do many justifiable homicides but when a mother or father calls us grieving, we don't turn our backs on their grief.
Sorry folks, but when you hold a 'vigil' for someone who was committing a violent crime, it doesn't matter how often you say you're trying to 'stop violence' , you are defacto endorsing his behaviors and I'm betting this wasn't his first time.

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OGRE 6E: Nihon Inserts and Free Classic Counters

For DOOT readers who are also gamers/SJ Games OGRE fans, a bit of news.  The inserts for the Nihon: North American expansion have arrived and look great.

At least one of these will be added to each order.  A PDF download will be available here when the 6E becomes officially available and the Nihon sheets getting shipped. 

Many thanks to SJ, the OGRE crew and graphic designer extraordinaire 'Firehorse' for their contributions to this.

On another note, SJG is offering the OGRE 'Classic Counters' as a free PDF download on their E23 site.

Also up on the plate is a whole plethora o' mini's to be painted by my personal mini-painter including a Mk 4 (multicam), Mk 6 (ATACS Woodland), Ninja (black, duh), Dopplesodner (Soviet Flag), Msl Crawler (Soviet Olive Drab), Unit of 3 Super Hvy Tanks (E. German Blumentarn), Unit of 6 Msl Tanks w/ supporting infantry (Tigerstripe) along w/ various buildings.

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Mary Sanchez "Disarm Because Poor Blacks Can't Be Trusted"

Well she didn't say that exactly.  I'm paraphrasing her defense of gun control.
Do you really want to solve the violent crime problem? Start by recognizing that guns travel. They go unimpeded from jurisdictions where they are easily gotten to places where they are not. Violence stays put.

Easy access to guns is just the icing. It’s the explosive fuse atop a long stack of community woes. There’s a 20th-century problem we haven’t solved: the inequality between races, between city and suburb, between ghetto and the leafier urban districts that Americans are falling in love with again. Every shooting in Chicago should remind us that we have failed.

Read more here:
Yep, just the sight of those guns makes those 'inner city folks' (iow blacks) just explode.  

So, because criminals are getting guns and using them in poor, black neighborhoods that already have high crime mostly due to violent gangs, we need more gun control in the areas that DON'T have crime because....  well.... it's easier to blame a symptom than it is a cause. Don't worry about those inequalities in education, jobs, housing, etc. she goes on about. Let's start w/ her personal hobgoblin.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A New Second Amendment?

Although I'm sure most of my readers also read TBFKASIH, I thought I'ld repeat this here for the outliers and DOOT-only fanatics. 

The 'National Constitution Center' has put up a proposal for a 'new' Second Amendment. It reads:

CURRENT VOTE: Better defining the constitutional right to bear arms.

PROPOSED AMENDMENT: “Because a well-regulated National Guard and Reserve, and well-regulated Federal, state, and local public safety departments, are necessary to the security of our free states and our free nation, the rights of citizens, while serving in their capacity in the aforesaid organizations, to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Yeah,  Um no. 

Go and vote.

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Future AR Fans

In the eternal debate between AR's and AK's, even child soldiers have their opinions. 

The Fourthpowers have been playing a lot of army/soldier lately including using an old airsoft AK I use as a prop. Based on that, they begged and pleaded to try out the SAR. 

They were not fans so I don't think they'll be training much w/ it in the future, unlike our neighbors in Central Asia:
Made to kill: Children as young as five fire assault rifles at a terror training camp in north Waziristan

They do, however, like the Ruger 10/22 and Mini-14 so I'll need to stock up on .223. 

I still prefer 7.62x39 out of an AK or SKS though:
¡Viva la Muerte!

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Mom's Demand Action/CSGV/FB: Silencing The Opposition

Gun Control activism can only exist in an echo chamber.  When that echo chamber doesn't exist, anti-gun activists resort to censorship, blocking, banning, intimidation and harassment.

Proving this again is the ongoing situation at '1 Million Moms Against Gun Control, Inc.'  Anti-gun groups, specifically 'Mom's Demand Action' and the CSGV have been filing reports of 'harassment' etc. on any post that uses the names of their leaders.  Some FB admins have taken it upon themselves to continue the anti-gun policy of censorship and has been blocking the 1MMAGC page from posting, removing posts, etc. Allegedly, 'disciplinary action' was taken but guess what?  Happened again.
Attention 1MMAGC friends. Apparently we didn't shake ENOUGH chains at facebook, since all of our admins have been put on another "Time-Out". I have been added to this page as a temporary admin so I could let you all know what happened, and ask you all to share this post. Thank you.
Seems the slap on the wrist they got wasn't enough of a clue and more 'disciplinary action' is needed. This is anti-gun activism in action, run by the same people that will try to get you thrown in jail for following the law and were posting names and work information of pro-rights bloggers.

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Heavy Metal Noiz

Some new minis to add to my OGRE collection although not as many as I'ld hoped since a bunch were out of stock. 

A Msl Tank/Mobile Howitzer unit w/ some supporting infantry.  I'm thinking these are going to be done up in Alpenflage.

A PE Msl Crawler w/ cruise missile.  This is going to be done up in the flat olive drab used by the Soviet Nuclear Forces like they used on the Topol launchers.  When they're back in stock, I'm going to get a PE Fencer cybertank and have it done up as a Soviet flag.

To pay for all these to be painted, my contracted artist is getting a pair of hardened command posts and a standard command post.  

For those who have ordered the 6E game and/or Nihon expansion, I've got the informational insert on order and the game is on the water from the manufacturer according to SJ.  Looking forward to getting the pieces and packaging them up for the OGRE fans who believed in this enough to drop their hard earned money on it.

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