Seems like a lot of people play this game but I’m more interested in WHY they play it and what the rules are. I’ve been reading an excellent book called Random Violence and this is my gatherings so far. The book doesn’t address gun control directly, just violence in general and society‘s response to it. So this is my take on gun control advocates inspired by the author‘s logic. Let’s look at the mind of the anti and their host animal, the MSM.
“Highway shootings haunt America’s roadways”
OOOOH, something “new.”
Media picks up on the meme and starts reporting on more and more incidents at the national level, calling it a trend. Never mind if the number of people who are shot while driving is actually increasing or if the media is simply reporting on more instances.
Brady Bunch smells red meat……………….make that fresh grass.
Story peters out, media starts looking for something “new.”
“Drive-by shootings haunt America’s communities.”
Ooooh, that sounds promising!
Brady Bunch calls for more gun control.
Story peters out. MSM still reports on it at the local level, but it’s not national “news” anymore.
Brady Bunch still appreciates the local coverage but recognizes that they need a new national splash.
“School shootings a national epidemic”
Oooooh, here comes the chubber.
Here’s one with some legs on it. Every school shooting is still reported at the national level…except for that little Appalachian School of Law incident which noone would be interested in.
Brady Bunch sooooo happy with the legs. But all legs have their limits.
As each “new” threat falls out of the “news” cycle, becoming “old news,” a vacuum is created.
The whole issue with the book I’m reading(Random Violence by author Joel Best) is how society and the media continuously find “new crime” so they can report it as “news.”
They totally miss the underlying factor that there are those in our society who care nothing for the rule of law.
This concept is very, very old and not newsworthy. Snark.
To the same extent, gun control activists continuously find new “gun crimes” and new gun violence memes, neglecting the underlying problem of violent behavior.
Blaming an object is simply easier than trying to address the root causes that drive people to violence against their fellow man.
The trick is repackaging the same ol’ crap and polishing that turd to such a high gloss that other people will actually buy it………………………this time.