Saturday, June 21, 2014

Why 'Famous' People Don't Make Laws

It's all well and good for Bloomie-Watts and the Brady Bunch to fight over 'Celebrities' to endorse their anti-gun efforts. 

Well and good for us normally because those 'celebrities' usually have no clue what they're talking about. Case in point.  Drunk felon in possession picks up a gun by the trigger.  It goes off, tragically killing a neighbor. 

“The damn gun doesn’t usually shoot,” Shisler’s arrest report quoted him as saying. “You have to squeeze the hell out of the trigger to shoot it.”
So the response by Bloomberg supporter, Melissa Joan Hart?
This is so sad, upsetting and unexceptable! We need stricter storage laws.

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Friday, June 20, 2014

Gamers 3: Hands of Fate Swag

From another KS I sponsored, I finally got the stuff from it:

Gamers 3: Hands of Fate extended ed., Journey Quest season 2 (please let there be a 3), Gamers Live, copy of the Shadow's Dungeon module for Pathfinder RPG, 'The Shadow' mini, supporter patch, and, coolest of all, a die used in the movie:
Now the next mission is to find the die in the movie and get some screencaps.  The goal is to get an autograph at GenCon in Aug.

Interesting note on the movie.  The 'Displaced' character 'Jase' is wearing a Vietnam service medal.  The soldiers are supposed to be descendents of WWII vets.

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That's how many Concealed Carry licenses have been issued in Illinois so far w/ more to come.

Statistically, if you ever go outside your house, you've probably been around someone legally carrying a firearm and there were no wild west shootouts over parking spaces, blood running in the streets, nor people w/ AR-15's in their pants

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.@ShannonRWatts Says This Doesn't Happen

Via Bearingarms.

An Idaho man says that his concealed handgun likely saved his life and kept his daughter from being kidnapped.
“I turned around and there was a guy that was sneaking up on me…probably about 15 feet behind me and he asked me if I had any money,” said Broyles.
Broyles obtained an Idaho concealed weapons permit in 2014. He said he pulled out his gun.
“I pushed my daughter back, pulled out my weapon, cocked it and aimed it at him,” said Broyles.
Daughter protected. No shots fired.  None of this will be mentioned by anti-gun advocates since noone was killed, the way they prefer. Bloomie's group doesn't even have a criminal's name to add to their bus.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Creating an OGRE-y World

Got a combination early Bday present and swag for others in the mail today.

That stack up on top are copies of OGRE Pocket edition which are going to be used as gifts and grab bag items.  Bottom left are the 'Classic Counters' for OGRE 6E.  The new counters are in color and have pretty graphics but the originals in B&W w/ pixels, after near 30 years of playing this game, just 'feel' right. Bottom left is a group of minis from the very last run of metal. 3 ea of Inf, GEV, LtGEV, LtTank, Hvy Tank, GEV-PC.  I'm going to squirrel these away as replacements or for some, as of yet to be determined, future force.

Far bottom left and right is my foot.

On a related note, are there any graphics people out there w/ some free time to help create a hex map I would like to use for the game? 

Some more pics.

Pieces punched out:
A piece comparison:
From left to right: OGRE/GEV original/pocket editions, Deluxe Edition, Miniatures (1/285 scale), Designer/6th Ed. standard, Designer 'Classic'.

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ACLU Gets It Right

Officer demands to confiscate a guys' guns for an alleged 'disturbing the peace' complaint then arrests him.  Guy puts video up on Youtube and officer got a court order to have it taken down.

Officer gets his @ss handed to him.

CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO—Police Officer Jerry Bledsoe sent a written apology to Second Amendment advocate Jordan Klaffer, and agreed to pay damages,  court costs and attorneys’ fees. The Village of Kelso, where Bledsoe works, also assured Klaffer in writing that they will instruct police officers to not seek court orders to censor individuals who are critical of police officers’ actions. In response, today Klaffer and the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri asked the United States District Court to dismiss the First Amendment lawsuit filed in February on Klaffer’s behalf.

I wonder what happened w/ the arrest.  Bet the charges were dropped.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

CO Gov. Hickenlooper: Quality Leadership

Or not.  He's backtracking like an Olympic Marathon runner in reverse:

One of my staff made the commitment that we would sign it it got passed. To be honest, no one in our office thought it would get through the legislature.

After all the kerfuffle, I went back to try to get some facts we should have had at the beginning. They told me there are roughly 300,000 magazine that carry more than 15 rounds in the state of Colorado already…How’s a police enforcement officer going to tell which is the old one and which is the new one? How much of a difference is it gonna make if there are that many? 
 So he's signing laws off of the alleged promises of some unnamed 'staffer'?  Laws he didn't 'research' in the first place? 

This is your gun control leadership in action folks, right here.

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Adventure Retail, Nihon, and Origins

Game seller, Adventure Retail, was interested in selling OGRE 6E Nihon:NAD sheets through the convention circuit so a case they received.  In the chaos of convention, they misplaced the inserts so those who purchased the sheets did not get one w/ it. 

If you happened to be one of the individuals who purchased via Origins, you can download a PDF of the insert here.  You can also contact Adventure Retail direct at 804-278-9483 and they'll mail one to you.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Champaign Surplus Bans Guns

Champaign Surplus, AKA "Overpriced Camping Gear 'R US" has a small, dusty room in the back w/ 'Surplus' at twice the price you can get it through Sportsmans Guide, Ebay or pretty much anywhere else. The rest of the store is filled w/ hyper-expensive, namebrand camping gear.

Via GSL comes this photo:


So they sucked before, now they suck even more.

Feel free to send them an email or call:

+1 877 480 HIKE(4453)



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