Saturday, May 19, 2012


Guy knocks up 11 women 30 times.  Now he wants the Gov't to pay his child support.

And these women LET him knock them up repeatedly which says alot about them as well.

This is the future of America under the Obama Cultural Revolution. Pay my mortgage, pay for my kids, give me free money. These are the supporters of our current president. I call them 'Obama-Americans'.

No.  HELL No. 

 Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Bit More Win in Oklahoma....

Via NRA Lobbyist Ashley Varner, the OK governor just signed into law SB1760, protecting the RKBA during emergencies:
SB 1760 amends the Oklahoma Riot Control and Prevention Act by providing that nothing in the act is to be construed to allow any official of a municipal or state entity to prohibit or suspend the sale, ownership, possession, transportation, carrying, transfer and storage of firearms, ammunition and ammunition accessories during a declared state of emergency.
Also passing the OK Senate is SB1743 allowing for the use of suppressors in hunting.

Every law we get passed is one more PuSH'ers have to put their dwindling resources towards getting repealed.  Unlikely in any event. 

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Which Rights DO They Support?

It's well documented that gun control advocates oppose the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments as they call for political opponents to be imprisoned and executed as 'traitors', oppose firearm ownership in general, think due process can be thrown out in the name of 'terrorism', etc. 

Now we can add the 6th Amendment to that as well as the CSGV now opposes the right to a trial by jury

Concentration Camps
Spousal Abuse

This is your 'pro-gov't' gun controller in action. 

Any questions?

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OGRE: Nihon Empire Update #1

 The Nihon Empire: Flag

At this point nothing is permanent or finalized. As Fire Mountain Games
(ogre (at) firem​ountaingame​ Walt ( uncommonogres (at) have noted (both w/ better, more efficient lists than I), we have not signed the release forms/contracts nor have any of the sheets been completed yet.  That being said:

I am not a designer, store owner, distributor or anything like that. I am just a gamer who wanted to do something to help enhance a game I've loved since I was a kid and decided to drop the money to invest in a custom sheet.  Talking w/ SJ (and totally geeking out w/ that I'll admit), we decided that Nihon would be a good addition.


The Nihon sheet will be similar to the Combine sheet from Kickstarter update #16. It will be Combine equipment captured or produced after the invasion of California and used in theatre or shipped elsewhere.  Colors will be white w/ the Rising Sun standard. Vehicles to be determined.  I may have a poll later on.

Pricing: Looking like $10 ea +sh. or less. Shipping is completely up in the air until we get more details on the physical layout of the sheets themselves.

Reserve Lists:  I am currently taking reservations (w.i reason) for the Nihon sheets.  Send email to thirdpower (at) This is completely non-binding w/ no pre-pay as it stands right now as I do not have the legal right to sell anything until all the paperwork is done. This is just calling DIBS for those die hards who will do just about anything to get more OGRE related stuff.Currently it is over 200.  :)

Mailing List: Same email as above.  I am not a techie and have little to no programming experience. The two above lists are much more 'professional' than this is going to be but I'll do my part.  I am linking it to this site because I am communicating w/ multiple audiences and it makes it a bit simpler.

NON-TENTATIVELY:  I ( and all the other sponsors) am looking forward to this just as much as all of you and will be working my @ss off to make this as good of a product as I can. 

TY for your patience.  I will send out updates as I can and make sure to keep an eye on the SJG forums for more info.  I will try and get to every email w/i as short amount of time as I can. It's all of you that are making this possible for me to do it.  Game On.

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Unorganized Militia Gear

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

'Legitimate' Self Defense?

A quote from Ladd Everitt/Tim Johnson who-ever is writing this nonsense nowadays:

Outside of their belief that tyrannical dictators slaughtering millions of people can be reasoned w/,  one wonders how they define 'legitimate'.  It doesn't include a woman defending themselves against serial abusers, they, according to the CSGV, have a 'duty to retreat' from their own homes.  It doesn't include even their own homes  as Ladd Everitt states:
The risk of them gaining access to those weapons, or some other unauthorized party gaining access to them, is far greater than the chance of me ever having to play John McClane defending against some faceless home invader. 
 It doesn't include even legally adjudicated cases of self defense (note the use of quotes to disparage the concept).  It doesn't even include the people of Washington DC as the CSGV filed a brief in support of the handgun ban and disabled firearm requirements stating in response:
  the United States Supreme Court departed from over 100 years of earlier judicial decisions and held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess firearms for self-defense purposes unconnected with service in a militia. 
  So what instance would be a 'legitimate' case of self defense w/ a firearm for the CSGV? Why, in every instance, do they attack or oppose acts of self-defense?

Could it possibly be because they really don't care about 'violence' and only about restricting guns in every and any way possible?


More of these mental gymnastics at GunFreeZone

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Those Wheelbarrows Of Cash At It Again

According to Ladd Everitt/Tim Johnson of the Coalition to Stop Gun Ownership, anything even remotely associated w/ firearms is 'affiliated w/ the NRA'. 

I'm wondering what he bases this supposition on?  Does he have ANY facts to support it or is it just another one of their delusions?

How much farther can these people sink into their clinical psychosis?

BTW, don't bother trying to leave a comment, they'll just delete it and block you. Ironic when they criticize others for not 'debating'.

Update:  At the very bottom of the '' page, there is a button stating part of the 'NRA Network'. I'm sure it's a close, personal relationship. 

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Henry Kissinger: Dangerous Terrorist

Aside from the fact of the TSA sexually assaulting another wheelchair bound senior citizen, the fact that it was Henry Kissinger they did this to just baffles the mind.

Until I read this:
 "They gave him the full pat-down. None of the agents seemed to know who he was.”
 You know those idiots in High School that skated by, screwing around in History (pretty much every class for that matter) and spent more effort trying to piss of the teacher and getting out of work than doing any studying?

They are now your friendly, neighborhood TSA agents and the ones in charge of the nation's security. Glorified mall cops w/ god complexes. 

Disband the TSA NOW!!

 Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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Unorganized Militia Gear

Sunday, May 13, 2012

It Speaks the Truth

Wonder if Ladd Everitt will consider this a 'threat'?

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Unorganized Militia Gear

Avengers Review

Frickin' Awesome.  This is one of the best Action movies I've seen in a long time, throw in the Super-Hero aspect w/ the majority of the characters being the originals from their movies and it made it even better.

Character interaction/development (especially the Hulk), special effects, fight scenes, story line/continuity, humor ('Puny God') all top notch. Now I'm going to have to rent 'Thor' since I haven't seen it yet.

Definitely recommend a theater visit for this one.

Unorganized Militia Gear Unorganized Militia Gear
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