More like
an attack of gas.
There is always a
bounce for more gun laws after a well publicized shooting. This usually lasts until the next new episode of Survivor or American Idol comes on TV but the
PuSH'ers always try and take advantage of it, (inflamed by an increase in comments and 'likes' on their FB pages and Twitter) claiming the 'tide is turning' and 'Americans are waking up'.
Well just a few weeks after one of the worst tragedies in recent history, let's take a look at the 'groundswell' of support they're receiving. In Illinois
bills have been pushed through into a lame-duck session calling for every goal of the anti-gun groups. The ONLY anti-gun organization that has voiced ANY public support for it that I can find is the
Joyce funded Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence (
To show the level of 'grassroots' support they're receiving,
on a post made about the same time as one from the Illinois State Rifle Assoc. on the latest
SB2899, they've received (as of this writing) 1 Share and 6 likes. The ISRA, on the other hand,
has received 57 shares, 61 likes and 86 comments. A post made
8 hrs previous 330 shares, 132 likes and 109 comments.
One yesterday: 506 shares, 503 likes, 85 comments.Those are just the 'on topic' posts made. I haven't even counted in the responses to posts made by the
Illinois Carry,
GSL to name but a few.
You get the idea.
The ICHV's crowning glory during this was
proclaiming 'Victory' by getting the Senate bills out of a rigged committee filled w/ Chicago-crats two days ago. 38 shares. 70 likes and 13 comments.
So what am I getting at? Again this is evidence that our threats to gun ownership are NOT coming from the public but instead from (often ignorant)
agenda driven politicians,
left-wing philanthropists and a few
die hard anti-gun fanatics (mostly
financed by the philanthropists) who use self generated polls and statistics to lie to the media and citizens.
And just to take a look at the quality of lobbying the
philanthropists are getting w/ their paid activists, here's a screencap
of the ICHV's latest email alert:
Only complacency on the part of firearm owners will let bills like we're seeing in IL pass. By firearm owners believing "you don't 'NEED' gun X" or "They ain't cummin' for my huntin' guns".
Yes Virginia, they are. You may not be directly effected by THIS round, but you will be soon if they get their way. You'ld eventually be restricted to Gov't approved 'shooting clubs' where you store what types of guns they allow you. Just like in England, Australia and much of Western Europe.
I'm just one guy who writes a 'sh!tty little blog' and volunteers some time helping out the local gun groups and I reach hundreds of people every day. My legislators know my name and my stances.
Think of what we could accomplish if just a few dozen more people in each area were more active.