Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Public Relations of Gun Control

A company called 'Libertas' is a PR firm that has "counseled a multitude of organizations, such as Mayors Against Illegal Guns ..."

This is the kind of PR the gun ban lobby is reduced to:
Idiot gun fetishists prefer terrorists/crimnals/drug cartels armd. Bckground chex would hlp stop it-but why m I usin logic w/ u?

Try mirror pal. Or look @ ur avatar/bio? Jst like gun nut not 2know it. Guess ya gotta do sumthin 2makeup 4certain shortcomings (Ed. This is his comment to a paraplegic Army veteran)

Or perhaps its the 100s of millions uses to buy Congress? Nah...

Mmbers who in polls &vid intrviews dont agree w/own leadership (but polls lyin! Its conspiracy! It's the Masons!)..

& this vid's conspiracy 2!! It mst be! Its members not $$!! Its all illegal immigrants fault!

As I said-Big Conspiracy!! Cant refute w/polls or vids. So mst b lies! Been fun. But wont waste more time w/conspiracy mongrs
So even their professional PR people have nothing to resort to but a plethora of push polls/videos by gun control groups, logical fallacies and penis jokes.

And they wonder why we're winning.

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Long Live the Revolution

More Photoshop fun.

The PLA-ALB are issuing out new inspirational posters

A Graphic Designer friend of mine put this together for me. It's based off of the photos I took a few weeks ago combined w/ slogans/concept from original Glorious Revolution era propaganda posters.

"Be 100 times vigilant"
"Long live the PLA"
"Carry out the Revolution to the end"

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1st Amend Issue or Abuse of Authority?

As I said earlier, the AAP et al shot themselves in the foot when they got involved in politics, pushing gun bans under the guise of 'health issues'.

The gun control groups then started squealing about the NRA violating these poor doctors' 1st Amendment rights so guns could be sold to little kids.

Well look who's coming to the AAP's rescue, the Brady Campaign's pet lawyers.

Gun banners supporting gun banners. No surprise there.

What's really funny is that they concern themselves w/ Freedom of Speech only when it relates to banning guns. Otherwise 'reasoned discourse' is the name of the game.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Killing 2 birds while stoned in a Bush's Fault...or something.

We’ve tried to show them that we aren’t what they make us out to be.

How about we try becoming what they make us out to be and rub their noses in it while spanking their ass with a rolled up newspaper?

They call us insurrectionists, extremists and even domestic terrorists.

Well, okie-dokie then, let’s embrace that…just for fun.

I propose we start proclaiming our desire to engage in violent resistance against “known or suspected tyrants” which we have named on our very own special super-secret…list.

I call it the Tyrant Watch List.

History shows us time and time again that Tyrants always try to disarm their opponents before committing their most evil deeds. We must prevent this BEFORE it happens. Anyone who pushes for gun-control is a potential Tyrant in my eyes. I do not see any distinction whatsoever between KNOWN or SUSPECTED tyrants; they are one and the same to me.

Join us and our “Trailer Alliance to Prevent Slaughter.”

I call it………Double-Wide T.A.P.S.

Help spread the word…uh…and send us cash.

We’ll be holding a news conference in an empty room soon to tell you more.

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Terrorists, Gun Control & the Media

For years, gun control activists have used their access to the media to push the myths of the 'gun show loophole' and that you can walk into any gun show and buy anything and everything you want w/o a problem including heavy weapons and explosives.

Al Qaeda has listened:
You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

So gun control activists like Protest Easy Guns, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Violence Policy Center, Brady Campaign, etc., in their efforts to create fear about firearms here w/ blatant misinformation, are also giving encouragement to terrorists to come to the US to kill people.

And the CSGV dares to call US 'traitors'.

More at STL Gun Rights Examiner.

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What do you as a gun control group when you haven't had a law passed nationally in over a decade and your most recent 'accomplishment' is keeping self-defense off of college campuses for one more year?

Why start handing out awards to yourself.

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'Unintentional' Ammo Ban

I've talked before how stupidly worded some laws are in regards to 'Assault Weapons'. Including the infamous "Shoulder Thing That Goes Up". Other laws are just as badly worded. A town near me bans all 'toy' guns.

Via Illinois Carry comes another town, Forest Park, that takes broad wording even farther, unintentionally banning not just toy guns but ammunition as well:

No person shall sell, keep, expose for sale, loan, give away, be possessed of, or discharge anywhere in the village any toy pistol, toy gun, toy cannon, blank cartridge, fireworks, firecrackers, torpedoes, bombs, squibs, rockets, spin wheels, fire balloons, Roman candles, detonating canes, ammunition, or any substance or articles of an explosive nature designed or intended to be used as fireworks; provided, however, that the council may issue a permit for consumer fireworks displays and for pyrotechnic displays, as such terms are defined in the fireworks use act5 and the pyrotechnic distributor and operator licensing act6, as further designated hereinafter.
Apparently they didn't 'mean' to do that as the mayor stated it was legal boilerplate and they don't intend to ban ammo.

Still, that's the wording and all you need is a new mayor and an overzealous prosecutor/LEO and you've got another court-case that needs to go through the pipeline.

Wording is important in law. Not just 'intention'.

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some Days I Got Nothin'

When others have already gotten the story out about Chicago et al being called to task for wasting millions in taxpayer dollars on defending their gun bans in court.

So here's some classic DOOT that still bears a good read:

For hunters who don't believe they're on the "list"

Church of The Duke and other fables.

Anti Math

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

@CSGV Detached from Reality

Family gets killed in Brooklyn. Some of the strictest firearm laws in the nation. Our favorite Comm. Director squeaks:
If York had already passed microstamping, these shell casings could have been readily identified. ...
But looking at what the article actually says about the victims and why:
Timothy Walter had been arrested 24 times and was on parole. Cornelius Walter had 13 prior arrests, the sources said.
Sweet's father, Ricardo Rodriguez, said he suspects a Saturday argument between Timothy Walter and another man led to the bloody, predawn hit. "It was retaliation," he said,
I'm sure another 'microstamping' boondoggle would solve this crime. Right. Sure. Seriously, what is the sky in the world these people live in?

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Bureaucracy in Action

What happens when a trap range which has been in operation for nearly 90 years has its land transferred to another bureaucratic agency in the state?

They get shut down for 'liability' reasons.

It won't be sweeping national laws or courts that will end firearm ownership. It will be bureaucratic fiat. Just like this. Just like the BATFE is attempting. Just like local gov'ts use.

And this is why range protection and preemption laws get passed.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We're in the Pink

The new PINK UM PATCHES have arrived and they look great. Pre-orders will go out tomorrow (6/1).

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