This is the kind of PR the gun ban lobby is reduced to:
@45superman Idiot gun fetishists prefer terrorists/crimnals/drug cartels armd. Bckground chex would hlp stop it-but why m I usin logic w/ u?So even their professional PR people have nothing to resort to but a plethora of push polls/videos by gun control groups, logical fallacies and penis jokes.
@45superman Try mirror pal. Or look @ ur avatar/bio? Jst like gun nut not 2know it. Guess ya gotta do sumthin 2makeup 4certain shortcomings (Ed. This is his comment to a paraplegic Army veteran)
@TrailerDays @45superman Or perhaps its the 100s of millions #NRA uses to buy Congress? Nah...
@TrailerDays @45superman Mmbers who in polls &vid intrviews dont agree w/own leadership (but polls lyin! Its conspiracy! It's the Masons!)..
@TrailerDays @45superman & this vid's conspiracy 2!! It mst be! Its members not $$!! Its all illegal immigrants fault!
@TrailerDays As I said-Big Conspiracy!! Cant refute w/polls or vids. So mst b lies! Been fun. But wont waste more time w/conspiracy mongrs
And they wonder why we're winning.