Weer'd noted to me this morning that Elliot Fineman of the NG(V)AC had put up a
new post but when he checked the site to read it, this is what came up:
You can read part of the screed on their
FB page.
Gun Fact # 6: The Alzheimer Mind of the Gun Owner « Gun Victims Action Council
Alzheimers sufferers, gun owners are unable to respond logically. Gun
Fact # 5: in our series pointed out that non-gun owners are taxed $5
billion per year to cover the cost of U.S. gun homicides. Logically
this makes no sense—not one cent of gun violence costs
The stupidity of this statement is just to extreme to be believed. This is a guy who for months insisted that
Starbucks was collapsing due to his 'boycott' even though SB had seen an INCREASE in sales due to the 'Buycott' in response. The guy who believes that going 5 miles over the speed limit is
morally equivalent to mass murder. That guns
can be fired using a cellphone. That if only criminals had guns, there would be
little to no crime.
I don't think it's 'Gun Owners' that are suffering Alzheimer's en masse. Maybe I should
send him his check back to help pay for his care.
UPDATE: Site is back up. Look like Eliot scrounged in his couch for pennies.