IC and
Witness Slips Needed
In our first Call to Action of the 99th General Assembly, we ask our
members to voice their opposition to two bills scheduled to be heard in
the House Judiciary – Criminal Committee 2/18/2015. To those who have
already participated in filing witness slips, these bills will be
familiar. We have opposed the intent behind both in prior General
Assemblies and continue our opposition for many of the same reasons.
Instructions for completing witness slips can be found here.
Please take a moment to make your feelings known on the following bills today.
Log on to the ILGA Dashboard or Create a New Account
HB148 Lost & Stolen Firearms – OPPONENT
Illinois law has required FOID Card holders, but not persons
illegally in possession of firearms, to report lost or stolen firearms
since the Gun Safety and Responsibility Act became law effective 8/9/2013. HB148 seeks to deny otherwise law abiding citizens their right to own firearms via FOID revocation and felony conviction.
HB265 Firearm Protect Order – OPPONENT
There are many forms of protection order available to the courts in
Illinois, from granting occupancy of the family home to giving custody
of the family pet to one spouse or another. Of the tools available to a
judge a firearm protection order, as it currently exists in law, is one
of the most important when determined necessary by a court of competent
proposes to subvert the judicial discretion so necessary to our system
of governance by prohibiting the subject of an order of protection from
purchasing or transporting a firearm, even when that order is simply in
regard to animals, property, and a number of other orders unrelated to a
physical threat against the petitioner.
While enough to oppose on its own merits, HB265 also creates a frightening potential synergy when taken in context with HB399 Protection Order Issuance.
Though not the subject of the current call to action HB399 proposes to
empower the States Attorney, and courts on their own motion, to impose
an order of protection on behalf of a petitioner even against the
petitioner’s wishes. This combination of ill conceived legislation, both
bad in their own right, establishes an untenable system of potential
rights denial under the most unusual of circumstances.
Info on more bills from
Bill # Sponsor Description Position Status
House Gun Bills
HB-148 Mayfield Lost & Stolen Firearms Oppose Rules
HB-265 Manley Firearm - Protection Order Support Rules
HB-319 Sullivan Concealed Carry - Parking Lot Support Rules
HB-349 Reis Crim. Code - Firearms - Federal Law Support Rules
HB-350 Reis Correctional Officer - Firearms Support Rules
HB-353 Zalewski/Andrade Crim Code & Corr - Weapons - Felons Support Rules
HB-359 Welch Firearm Concealed Carry Signs Oppose Rules
HB-367 Sullivan Concealed Carry - Public Transit Support Rules
HB-419 Drury Concealed Carry - Prohibit Place Oppose Rules
HB481 Phelps Concealed Carry - Rest Area Support Rules
HB-482 Phelps FOID & Crim Code - Concealed Carry Support Rules
HB-483 Phelps Crim Code - Firearm - Waiting Period Support Rules
HB-1343 Brown Crim Code-Poss Explosives No Position Rules
HB-1408 Bennett Crim Code - Firearm Transport Support Filed
HB-1409 Cavaletto Crim Code - Waiting Exempt Support Filed
HB-1411 Cavaletto FOID - Possess - Concealed Carry Lic Support Filed
HB-1412 Cavaletto Concealed Carry - Presumption Support Filed
HB-1427 Bennett Concealed Carry - Gathering Support Filed
HB-1428 Bennett Concealed Carry - DOT Resst Areas Support Filed
HB-1435 Franks Concealed Carry - Privacy Support Filed
HB-1442 Williams Firearm Concealed Carry - Bar Oppose Filed
HB-1443 Williams Firearm Owners ID - Inquiry Fee Oppose Filed
HB-1447 Harris, D FOID & Crim Code - Firearms & Ammo Support Filed
HB-1457 Morrison Concealed Carry - Cook Cty Forest Preserves Support Filed
HB-1467 Sims 3D Firearms - Prohibits Oppose Filed
HB-1553 Kay Concealed Carry - Fees - Training Support Filed
House Wildlife Bills
HB-109 Pritchard Transporting Injured Animals Support Rules
HB-128 Phelps Turkey Hunting Permits Support Rules
HB-346 Reis Hunting - Carrying Handguns Support Rules
HB-352 Verschoore/Davidsmeyer Wildlife - Bobcat Hunting Support Rules
HB-433 Phelps Wildlife - Use of Silencers Support Rules
HB-490 Davidsmeyer Wildlife - Bobcat Hunting Support Rules
Senate Gun Bills
SB-685 McCarter Concealed Carry - Cook Cty Forest Preserves Support Assignments
SB-686 McCarter Concealed Carry - Gathering Support Assignments
SB-687 McCarter Concealed Carry - Public Transportation Support Assignments
SB-711 Bivins Crim Code - Stun Gun - Switchblade Support Assignments
Senate Wildlife Bills
SB-44 Morrison Wildlife - Prohibit Drone Use Support Assignments
SB-48 Morrison Wildlife - Good Samaritan Support Assignments
SB-106 McCann Wildlife - Bobcat Hunting Support Assignments
SB-673 Sullivan Hunting Permits - Life Tenants Support Assignments
SB-803 Haine Wildlife - Use of Silencers Support Assignments