Saturday, April 23, 2011

Desperation justified

A while back a buddy of mine and I were talking about why there were only 4.3 million NRA members out of 80 million gun owners. We tried to think of ways to get some people off the couch with limited success.

But after Sugarmann and the Brady Bunch threw a fit about the “Round Up” program, I started thinking a little differently. I also started to understand the level of desperation we’re seeing from the PSHers.

If they only had to worry about the political clout the NRA has with 4,000,000+ members, they might have a chance convincing congress critters that we’re the vocal fringe they imagine.

But that’s not their only opposition. Truth be told, everyone who buys guns, ammo, cleaning supplies, safes, spotting scopes etc. are the elephant in the room for them…and for those congress critters.

Even the Fudds spend their money on their sport of choice.

The antis want John Q. Public to believe they’re “taking on the NRA.” But deep down, they know they’re attacking 80 million gun owners and the financial machine they support.

That’s what has them scared.

Dues-paying members are indeed carrying some dead weight, but after spending several years trying to change the hearts and minds of the antis and the fence sitters, I’ve come to an inescapable conclusion.

Getting a Fudd to join the NRA will be easier than trying to get the antis to simply leave us the Hell alone.

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DaysofOurTrailers vs @CSGV: A Comparison

Days of our Trailers has 61 followers through Blogger, 331 on Facebook, and 104 on Twitter. There are an avg of about 400 'unique' individuals visiting this site every day. Not bad if I say so myself. I'm not in the category of SayUncle, Sebastian SIH or Tam, but I do my part.

Now onto the CSGV.

They are a Nat'l organization w/ a budget in the hundreds of thousands and a paid staff of 4. They run 2 or 3 blogs of their own. There are 2,383 people who 'like' their FB page and 1087 followers on Twitter as of 4/23/11.

So you'ld think they'ld wipe the board w/ me on numbers.


When they linked to me on Twitter, I got a whopping 7 hits. Three from their office and four from another blogger friend. Not a single outside click.

According to Tango, from their FB hitpiece on him, he got 28 hits from them the first day, even after Ladd Everitt posted/tweeted it multiple times.

He got 32 from my post. And yesterday was spot on avg. 420 visitors.

So that to me says two things.

1. We're a LOT more active than those who proclaim to support gun control.

2. Days of our Trailers has as much, if not more, influence on the net as the CSGV.

All their member groups are really getting their money's worth, aren't they?

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Libelous Ladd Everitt @CSGV Strikes Again

As Sebastian noted, the CSGV is on a mission to smear pro-rights advocates. Their latest target is AntiTango , an occasional blogger, in which they posted a Note on their FB page entitled "Meet a Gun Rights Activist".

Ladd posts a couple of tweets w/ his personal commentary on them, nothing unusual from the guy that considers Chuck Norris a traitor. But then the fun begins. He used some selective rewording when referencing Tango's blog.

Except Tango didn't say anything about 'crying'. The exact words were :
After a dozen times, he got a super sad, big pouty lip on his face, and started chewing.

Well Ladd Everitt caught wind that he had been caught and pulled the fabricated wording from the note, but not before the above screen cap was made.

So in their efforts to smear pro-rights advocates, they still have to resort to deception and lies. In this case making libelous allegations of child abuse. Too bad for them the internet never forgets. A lesson he still has yet to learn.

Update: Tango's response to Ladd's Libel.
Update II: Sebastian bitchslaps Ladd and his fellow fanatics.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Guilty Consciences

In a Twitter/Haiku debate w/ the Texas Branch of 'Keep Campuses Defenseless' , they kept asking me if I watched the HBO fiction series 'The Wire'.
@ @ @ Have you seen the Wire before?
Well no, I don't watch it. So I looked it up and replied:
@ @ @ Set in . Some of the strictest firearm laws in the nation. Your point?
After some word games about correlation and causation, they replied:
@ @ @ You're the one who just indicated correlation between gun laws and crime in Maryland. Yeesh.
Since I 'indicated' no such thing....
@ @ @ : No, I didn't. You chose to infer. Guilty conscience?


Of course during the conversation I was called a 'Troll' for not rolling over and accepting their claims w/o question. The kind of audience they're used to. Of course the fact that they were the ones that engaged ME in conversation escaped them.

Yeah. Texas will get Campus Carry if this is the best the PuSH'ers can put forward.

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Inherent Discrimination

Outside of the fact that the roots of gun control, as well as it's modern corollaries, is inherently racist, there's other forms of outright discrimination in the 'Collective Rights' myth held by gun control advocates.

Title Ten of US code states that the militia consists of:
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
So 'able bodied males' of certain ages and females in the NG have some rights to firearms. Everyone else is SOL.

I guess that leaves out individuals like veteran and former paratrooper Kurt Hoffman, paralyzed in an accident 9 yrs ago. Think about that mentality. That it's perfectly OK to lose your rights because of an accident that disables you physically.

And you ladies, well apparently, tough. Go join the NG. Right Breda?

Then the older folks. You're out male or female. Too bad so sad.

Racism. Ageism. Sexism. Bias against the disabled. This is modern 'gun control' in action.

And when called on it, they show their discriminatory beliefs in the most childish of ways:
@ @ @ @ Let's have t-shirts made up that say, "Cry for the White Militia Guys"

@ @ @ All those white militia guys legally stockpiling guns against our gov't. They're SO oppressed!
Remember this when they start talking about 'reasonable' and 'common-sense' gun laws.

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'#AssaultClips': A Visual Aid



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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Deafening Silence

The Project Gunwalker scandal is heating up w/ threats of contempt for ATF head Melson in his reluctance to comply and the revelations of thousands of firearms being deliberately trafficked to Mexican cartels.

And there hasn't been a sound from the Brady Campaign, Violence Policy Center, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence or any of the other gun ban groups. The ones who have spent over a year trying to blame US firearm owners and attempting to ban more guns.


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Colin Goddard's Double Standards

Brady Campaign spokesman Colin Goddard opposes Concealed Carry in Illinois:
Garrett Evans and Colin Goddard, two victims of the 2007 Virginia Tech mass shooting, and a Chicago Police Department official spoke against the concealed carry bill at Wednesday's press conference.
Interesting, because just the other day he stated he would support a Nat'l CCW proposal if it had strict standards.
@ if there are national minimal standards for CCW's including live-fire training/tests, speaking personally, yes i'm in

@ I'd prefer TX + annual testing - either way, this is the middle ground compromise that NRA bosses won't ever engage with
Well the proposed IL bill is much stricter in qualifications that Texas but he's opposing it anyway. Why? Because his bosses need his VT victim status to push their agenda.

How does it feel to be used Colin? To be a puppet w/ someone else pulling the strings?

(Nevermind the fact that the Chicago Police Sgt.s Assoc and Chicago Police LT's Assoc. both SUPPORT the RTC bill)

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

@CSGV Endorses Confiscation of Firearms.

Another Ladd Everitt goldmine tweet:
@ @ @ @ Bill of Rights was patterned on English BOR. Disarmament was not uncommon in England
So by that logic, the CSGV's view is that the Bill of Rights allows for the disarmament of the citizenry. Not surprising since he's also claimed that 'only' 75 people having their property stolen by the authorities during Katrina wasn't a 'mass confiscation'. Just another 'conspiracy theory' , a term they use when they need to try and demonize/dismiss a topic they can't defend against.

And they call ME a 'traitor'?

And as SIH pointed out, that 'disarmament' was usually limited to certain religious denominations. More discrimination through gun control.

It really makes you wonder how delusional one has to be to continue to endorse gun control as their belief system.

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More Technical Difficulties

The recently added Twitter/FB links totally screwed up my stat counts so I had to find a better way. I found the 'help' page on why the share function didn't work and about an hour of HTML play later (I'm not Robb), I got it working. I also got the DOOTWEAR, Follow me and ISRA buttons automated.

Feel free to use them all liberally. Remember, the point of this blog is getting the information out there. You're all part of that as well.

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The @CSGV and 'Conspiracy Theories'

Ladd Everitt of the CSGV never seems to like it when I bring up the fact that he and his organization support the denial of rights due to arbitrary and secret Gov't run 'lists'. Whenever I do, he scurries away back into his hole:
@TrailerDays It's back to conspiracy theory time? OK, catch you later.
He claims that there is 'judicial review' of the process but can't seem to point out exactly where it is.

I guess the ACLU can join the ranks of 'traitors', 'insurrectionists', and believers in 'conspiracy theories' because what I've said is nothing more than what the ACLU has stated about expansion of Gov't lists as they currently stand.

What we have seen is that the lists are a joke. There is no 'Due Process'. And that the 'list' is one gigantic boondoggle w/ little hope of recovery.

But they don't really care. Anything they think they can use to restrict and reduce legal firearm ownership is fine w/ them. What's really ironic is they go on and on about supporting the Bill of Rights but then support measures that violate it, call other parts 'nonsense', and if you disagree w/ the gov't? You're a 'traitor'.

Isn't that the kind of Government we fought a revolution to break away from?

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Looking for Controversy

What does an 'Authorized Journalist' do when a bill for a dinner w/ some state officials seems high and there's a question as to whether the reported amount is correct?

Why publish it anyway and try and generate a political scandal.

You’d have to eat and drink more than twice that amount to get close to Wilhelmi’s bill.

When asked about the big tab last week, Wilhelmi didn’t know exactly how the whole thing came to be reported. He thinks it might have been a typographical error, rather than his being extraordinarily hungry.

“The decimal point might have been moved,” he told me.

So no other phone calls to verify the amount? Why didn't they contact the lobbyist involved? Oh right. They needed a headline.

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