Friday, December 4, 2015

QOTD: San Bernadino

I've made several posts over the years regarding the various government 'reports' sourcing the ADL and SPLC regarding 'right wing extremism', Gadsden flags, prior military, remote controlled plane hobbyists, etc. being the biggest dangers to the nation. 

Mig sums it up distinctly:
While the Left, Gun Control groups and even DHS were watching Gun Owners, the NRA and 2A groups, 3%ters, Christians, Jews, Tea Party, etc, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were prepping with all confidence and carried an attack on a soft target. And you can also bet your ass they were not the only ones out there.
CA legal firearms, empty on the 'terrorist watch lists',etc. 

But they're contained and only upset about global warming.

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Unorganized Militia Gear

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Elliot Fineman Calls For Fourth Reich

Godwin be damned.  
Americans are in the midst of a gun violence epidemic. The National Emergencies Act gives the president the power and responsibility to declare a state of emergency when the government lacks the procedures and capacity to address an unchecked natural or man-made public health epidemic.
Yep.  Give the president discretion to arrest and imprison firearm owners and other 'undesirables'.  You know, those untermenschen that don't follow the whims of a tyrant.  No more due process, no more warrants.  Just what the anti-gun fanatics want for firearm owners.

then, to make a kangaroo committee to make all these new laws w/o any input from those undesirables.
 exclude members of the gun lobbies, who profit from the epidemic they’ve caused and do everything they can to keep it going.”
Even though NGVAC is a 'D' list group, they're just saying what the rest of them are insinuating.  Remember the whole bit about Ladd Everitt of the CSGV approving of court appointed concentration.

Never let them say they're not trying to take your guns. 

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Unorganized Militia Gear

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Phleger the Phaker

So after hours of harassing businesses and individuals, preventing people from doing their holiday shopping, 'Father' Phleger heads out to the 'burbs to take care of his own

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