The Brady Campaign is bragging that they had a 77% success rate in their endorsements in Illinois. That's really not saying much when you compare it to the actual numbers.
In comparison to the NRA:
The Brady Campaign endorsed a total of 34 people for Illinois seats.
For Federal Elections they endorsed Dick Durbin for Senate and 11 for the House. They won the Senate and 9 out of 11 seats for the House (82%).
The NRA didn't endorse a US Senate candidate and endorsed 8 people for the House with 8 wins (100%).
There were two head to head contests. Both were losses for the Brady Campaign.
For state offices, the Brady Campaign endorsed a total of 22 people for the IL House and Senate. 17 and 5 respectively out of races. They won all 5 in the Senate (100%) and 12 out of 17 in the House (70.6%).
The NRA endorsed 19 for the State Senate with 19 wins (100%) and 57 for the State House with 55 wins (96.5%).
There were zero contests in the Senate but Seven in the House. The Brady's are crowing about their 'big win' over Dist 85 incumbent Hassert. What they're NOT telling you though is that of those seven contests, the Brady's came out behind in five of them. A 5:2 ratio.
In comparison to the ISRA:
The Brady Campaign endorsed a total of 22 people for the IL House and Senate. 17 and 5 respectively . They won all 5 in the Senate (100%) and 12 out of 17 in the House (70.6%)
ISRA endorsed 68 candidates and had 21 'preferred' for the IL House and Senate. 17 in the Senate and 51 in the House endorsed. 7 and 14 preferred.
For endorsed candidates, all 17 won in the Senate (100%) and 50 won in the House (98%)
For preferred candidates, it was 6 and 12 respectively (85.7% each).
Now the head to head results:
There were zero Senate races w/ endorsements by both the BC and ISRA. Of 'preferred', there was one with a Brady endorsed candidate win.
Of House endorsements, there were three races w/ BC/ISRA endorsements. Two were ISRA wins and one Brady win. 2:1 for the ISRA.
Of House 'preferred', there were also three races. Same results as endorsed candidates. 2:1 .
The ISRA had a 2:1 success ratio against the Brady Campaign in head to head elections. 5:3 if you include 'preferred' candidates.
So when it comes to endorsing (non-presidential) candidates , all of the various groups are good at picking easy winners.
When it comes to competing (non-presidential) endorsements, the NRA and ISRA come out ahead every time.
Broken down :
NRA vs BC:
President 0:1
US House 2:0
IL House 5:2
ISRA vs BC (preferred candidates)
IL Senate (0:1)
IL House 2:1 (5:3)
NRAISRABCElection ResultsThis post inspired by
SailorCurt's earlier breakdown of elections in his home state.
has PA results.