Saturday, December 3, 2011

A B!tchslap Heard 'Round DC

While the Brady Campaign interns are busy endorsing violence, criminal activity and ignorance, their acting President, Dennis Henigan, is busy getting ridiculed by Congresscritters.

Dennis is insistent that a debate w/ Rep. Joe Walsh be held in DC so it can be "easily accessible to his colleagues in the House and Senate and their staffs, as well as the national press corps."

Well nevermind the fact that the Brady's haven't had good luck w/ the press corps lately, here is Joe's response:
The last time I checked I represent the folks of the Illinois 8th Congressional District, not Congressional staff, Washington lobbyists or the national press corps. I was sent here to Washington to fight for my constituents and their rights and interests. Why should I care what Washington insiders have to say?...

..I find your obsession with the thoughts and opinions of Washington insiders disturbing....

...So, once again, I challenge you to debate the Second Amendment in my district in front of real Americans in the heartland, not Washington D.C. insiders. Unless, of course, you have no interest in hearing what real Americans have to say.
Well we all know that the BC has no interest in what Americans have to say unless they're supporting more gun restrictions but maybe Dennis is concerned about having to pay for air fare and hotels.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

We're Winning, Even in Illinois

The surge of firearm sales on Black Friday didn't bypass Illinois, w/ nearly 2900 new FOID's being applied for even outside of the purchases by those already licensed.

John at No Lawyers has the skinny.

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The Ol' Grey Lady: Big on Hate, Short on Facts

According to the NY Times, Russians, Brazilians, Mexicans and South Africans et al. are 'uncivilized'. Yet Anti's have the audacity to call us racist.

And WTF is a multiple-clip magazine?

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

(Lack of) Immigration Control

Australian busted attempting to buy a gun at an AZ gun show. Anti's will try and point to the 'gun show loophole' as the problem. Here's the real problem:
when Malkoun initially planned to travel to the U.S. in 2010, he was required to answer the question as to whether he had any previous drug convictions. When he answered "yes," his visa application was denied.

When he tried again, in 2011, he answered "no" to the same question and was granted a visa.
So not only was there no background check done on an individual trying to enter the country, no-one bothered to even check to see if he'ld tried to enter before.

And some people think the solution to crime is to give MORE regulatory authority to the government?

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Irrelevancy, The Brady Campaign Has It.

Consecutive tweets by the Brady's intern:

The tagline for the video is this:
Only Ignorant people STILL believe in the second amendment. Second amendment is out dated and needs to be updated.
But here's a screencap of one 'scene':
Do I need say any more?

The bottom tweet is the kind of fear-mongering disinformation they could get away w/ 20 years ago but is now the purview of the ignorant and irrelevant.

Watching the Brady Campaign over the last few years has been like watching a train wreck in progress. I hope I have enough popcorn.

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N. Carolina Moves Ahead

Changes to the state’s Castle Doctrine Law that take effect Thursday do not require people to run before they fight back with a gun. The law expands the use of reasonable deadly force to include cars and workplaces if a person under attack fears imminent death or serious bodily harm...

Also starting Thursday, North Carolina will expand handgun permit reciprocity so that a valid concealed handgun permit issued in another state will be valid in North Carolina, regardless of whether that state accepts a North Carolina issued permit.
Now come the expected cries of 'Blood in the streets' etc. and the eternal wait for it to happen.

One more win for law abiding citizens. One more b!tchslap for the Joyce Puppet NCGV.

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Quote of the Day: @ddbaxte

From ddbaxte on Twitter:

MT : We thank a fictional show about f@(king zombies for validating our fictional view of the real world.

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A Question To Obama Voters

Is this what you thought of when he promised you "Hope and Change" and "Transparency"?

Obama Admin Seals Records of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Implicated in Fast and Furious

'Fast and Furious' Whistleblowers Struggle Six Months After Testifying Against ATF Program

Will you still vote for him next November even after he's proven himself to be just another ladder climbing politician*?

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*Not an endorsement of the GOP either.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How is this 'Clearly Revealed'?

Some vendors at NY gun shows violate the law and are being prosecuted. So the call is to make the show operators criminally liable for the actions of individuals willing to break multiple state laws already.

Yeah that makes sense. Unless of course the goal is to eliminate gun shows entirely. They closed the 'gun show loophole' in NY so, since they couldn't use that as an excuse, had to invent a new 'gap' to make any show operator completely unwilling to take the risk or so expensive for insurance premiums no-one could/would possibly make a profit.

Oh wait, it is the final goal. Nevermind.

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Feeling vs Reality

Isn't that almost the exact same thing the president of Virginia Tech said one year prior to the shooting?

'Feeling' safe /= actually being safe.

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Media Stupidity, HALO and Non-Existent Guns

In an article written to smear rights activists attempting to overturn CA's vague 'Assault Weapon' law (originally written by picking out scary looking guns from a catalog), the author shows his blatant stupidity.

He first uses an old promo poster for the Rambo movies. Sylvester Stallone BTW, is/was a spokesman for the Brady Campaign, even after his decades of glorifying criminal use of firearms.

The second photo is a list of 'guns' from the video game HALO.

Seriously, he couldn't bother finding a picture of a real EBR but instead had to use a photo of made up ones? Just like the original CA AWB. This is the Main Stream Media of today.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Brady Campaign Priorities

They care about the instruments used but not the perpetrators.

Now they link to a wiki page. Let's take a look at some other elements that they ignore:


As of December 2, six individuals have been arrested and face charges of providing assistance to Clemmons before and after the shooting.[29] One of those six – who was already wanted in connection with a bank robbery in Arkansas – served time with Clemmons in an Arkansas prison and is believed to have helped Clemmons escape the scene of the shooting.[30] The other five are accused of providing assistance to Clemmons such as transporting him to several locations, providing him with money and cell phones, making arrangements for him to flee the state, and treating his gunshot wound sustained in the Parkland shooting, all with full knowledge of the crime he had committed.[29][30] In June 2010 Clemmons' sister was sentenced to five years imprisonment for acting as a getaway driver after the shooting. Later in December, three of four other suspects were convicted. Trials of the other defendants are pending.[31]

So at least half a dozen friends and family members helped him w/ full knowledge of his crime. Let's take a look at the wiki page for convicted felon Clemmons:

Clemmons told several people he was angry about his Pierce County legal problems and that he planned to use a gun to murder police officers and others, including school children. He showed a gun to the people in the room and told them he had two others in his car and home. Clemmons said he planned to activate an alarm by removing a court-ordered ankle monitor, then he would shoot the police officers who responded to his house.
On November 28, Clemmons showed two handguns to friends Eddie and Douglas Davis and told them he planned to shoot police officers with them; the exchange was witnessed by Clemmons' half-brother Rickey Hinton, with whom he shared a house
So numerous friends and family members KNEW he had guns, KNEW he was planning on killing police and did NOTHING. And with full knowledge later HELPED him evade the police.

But the only thing the Brady's care about is where he got the guns. As if any of the things they so desire would have stopped this criminally insane felon, convicted on counts ranging from assault to child molestation (and incidentally repeatedly let go by the 'Justice System') would have stopped him.

That is the mentality of a child, not an adult.

But let's throw them a bone. Google is your friend:
in June 2005. The purchaser reported the gun stolen in March 2006, after his car was broken into at a downtown Seattle parking garage at Second Avenue and James Street. The gun remained missing until Clemmons turned up with it at the coffee shop.
The Smith & Wesson revolver had been unaccounted for since the 1980s. It was shipped in 1981 to the now-closed Police Arms and Citizen Supply in Lakewood, Colo., but from that point, federal authorities could turn up no records showing when the gun had been sold or to whom.
So this lifelong criminal got it through criminal means which no 'loophole' or 'mandatory reporting' laws would have stopped.

Shock. But the Brady's still won't care about reality. Only blaming the gun.

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