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Still parsing it but one thing I noticed is that John Donohue flat out lied. In regards to the DC handgun ban, he stated:
You could still have a shotgun in
your home. So if you needed to be protected in your home…
Deliberately avoiding the fact that that shotgun needed to be stored disabled w/ ammunition separate. For being a professor, he sure uses ad hominem's quite freely.
Paul Helmke also shows that his stories change with the telling. On Fox,
he stated:
I also took away a deep respect for how dangerous guns were. Yet in the debate he states:
Not only had I had the experience, when I was a teenager, of seeing a
friend get a bullet in the back because of the all too common
incident of, we found a gun, we didn't know it was loaded,
So he had so much 'respect' for how dangerous guns were that he played w/ one he found, not knowing if it was loaded or not.
Paul also uses the old "22x more likely" meme. Around page 50 Mr. Halbrook hands Paul his rear in the cross discussion.
Donvan attempted to use Sean Penn, with a politically connected 'may issue' CA CCW as a case study against CCW.
By page 63, Paul is reduced to insults with his old 'gun pushers' line. His closing statement blames victims of crime for the actions of criminals:
Where do the guns come from that the bad guys, that the gang members get. They steal them from people like you.
Now I don't agree w/ the causality "More Guns = Less Crime" . But this was a clear win for the pro-rights side.