Sitting on my throne, I was browsing through the June '12 copy of NRA's 1st Freedom magazine and saw this in the
Letter from the Editor column:
"While taking a break in the pressroom during the recent NRA AM in St
louis, I overheard some members of the press lamenting the fact that
they couldn't find a good protest to cover.
One mentioned he had
walked several blocks attempting to find a planned protest but never
found it. Another mentioned that she too had walked all the way around
outside the convention center in hopes of running across protesters, but
she too, had come up empty handed"
Well that sounded awfully familiar. Why? Because that was me and Bitter talking about the
failed CSGV protest that afternoon.
After having listened to
politicians and reading venomous tweets all Friday afternoon, it was w/ great joy that I saw the
tweet from the CSGV
touting their 'protest' the next afternoon at 1pm in front of the
convention hall. After a
morning on the floor, I was giddy w/
anticipation at finally meeting my buddy Ladd Everitt.
So myself,
Sebastian, Bitter,
Lawdog, several other bloggers and a few
MSM types were dutifully waiting outside at the appointed hour.
And we waited. And waited.
Nothing. Zip. Nada.
circled the building (that would be the 'she' noted above) just to see
if we missed something then went back inside. Sebastian called me w/ a
report that the protesters were going to
meet near the arch
and march to the convention. Time for a walk. This was about 1:30pm.
So I hiked down Washington and up 4th street all the way to the arch,
passing the infamous Dred Scott courthouse. (where the protest had
apparently fizzled in the rain before I got there)
Nothing. Zip. Nada.
Back to the convention hall where I
met up w/ the bloggers
and told them the non-story w/ a nice cold soda after hiking several
miles in the sun and humidity that came out after the rain.
(back on the throne)
Then I started reading the rest of the article :
They looked demoralized. Their quest for the Holy Grail of the NRA
meeting - rabid anti-gunners vehemently protesting the gun lobby- had
ended in failure.
Their conversation conveyed what the
bulk of the mainstream media sees as "news' at any NRA function. They
look for controversy. They look for someone to say how out of touch the
NRA is. They seek those who will put the worst spin possible on our
organization, all in the name of so-called "News".
the two hours they had spent lugging cameras around looking for
protesters, I had found out the true story of the NRA AM......"
now. Isn't that special. I'm an Endowment Member of the NRA, Life member of the SAF,
Annual member and Web team member of the ISRA and annual member of GSL.
Sebastian and Bitter are Patron/Life members respectively and both NRA
EVC's. We weren't 'demoralized' but instead disappointed that we didn't
get to do a little 'active activism' by outnumbering the Anti's at
their own protest and getting a few choice quotes for blog fodder.
Running around in the rain then heat and humidity didn't help either.
were more pro-gun bloggers in attendance than there were MSM's which
are generally regarded as a joke anymore. While I may have been sitting
in the pressroom talking about 'reasonable
gun laws', it was w/ a heavy dose of sarcasm and I spent days lugging
around my camera and laptop showing the 'True Story' of the
AM, just as I've
done previously ,
at numerous IGOLD's and a
"I" am the modern Main Stream Media and a gun owner/activist.
take is here.