DOOT has sent out a 2A related questionnaire to candidates for this district. Primary is 3/18. Response from Coles Cnty Sheriff Darrell Cox:
Which, if any, pro-firearm groups do you belong to? (NRA, ISRA, SAF, etc).
Life member of NRA, member of ISRA, and member GSL
Are you a hunter? Target shooter? Collector?
I hunt upland birds, I am an NRA Conventional Bullseye competitor, I hold qualification cards for both indoor and outdoor, and yes I collect Colt firearms.
If you’re willing to divulge, what is your favorite firearm in your collection or what is your ‘dream’ gun that you really want to own?
I own a Winchester 1897 that is new in the box.
Will you be attending
IGOLD this year?
Illinois recently passed a concealed carry bill under duress from the courts. How do you feel about the arguments used by both sides during debates and/or the entire process it took to get the law passed?
Lets not forget IL has concealed carry because a federal judge ordered it. Citizens have a God given right of self protection, it's not "allowed " by government.
What do you think of the bill itself?
I believe it is too costly and too prohibitive.
What would you change in it?
I would reduce the cost to obtain a permit, Illinois should recognize other state permit holders, and concealed carry should only be restricted in places where it is prohibited by federal law.
What is your opinion on semi-auto firearms often labeled as ‘assault weapons’? Magazine capacity limits?
Semi auto firearms/magazines are no more of a menace than any other firearm, it's the person using it.
Would you support a youth safety program such as the NRA’s Eddie Eagle to be presented in more Illinois schools?
Yes, absolutely.