Saturday, October 6, 2007

The NRA anti-cop?

TO Sebastian points to another poorly researched rant by an "Authorized Journalist" calling the NRA anti-police because it opposes the Joyce Foundation funded and written paper calling for more gun bans (see link below).

By his logic then, the Joyce Foundation is anti-police because they opposed the Fraternal Order of Police on the Tiahrt amendment. As a matter of fact, then both the FOP and the IACP would be anti-police because they opposed each other on the matter.

So Mr. Chris Fitzsimon, did you even read the IACP report or just the Brady Campaign/VPC press release bashing the NRA? Can you tell me why, if the NRA is anti-police, it provides training courses and materials to the police?

You also use trace data as a statistic . I take it you didn't read those reports either.

Not that I'm surprised.

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