Wednesday, October 3, 2007

New Bryan Miller Post

Go forth and fisk

He whines about the "pro gun lobby" only telling half the story by telling only half the story. Notice also that he starts out his piece w/ an ad hominem and personal attack against Scott Bach and the "gun lobby".

We waited over a month for this?


Melody said...

He's Back, Bryan Miller the guy could not tell the truth if his life depended on it. He can not shut off comments, as his blog is part of the Star Ledger, It appeared he was just going to let it die.

Not surprisingly in his latest rant, he is attacking another blogger Scott Bach, a Pro-Freedom person. In Bryan's attack, he accuses Scott of Half stories.

Guess Bryan would know he's the king of Half Truths, and well out right lies.

Thirdpower said...

Melody, great to see you.

Melody said...

Third Power my favorite “blowhard dumbass rightwing baboon" The "rightwing" I agree,
Mainly because I am myself, but the "Blowhard Dumbass Baboon" Sugar, you are you are none of these.

Anyway so glad to hear from you. I see Bryan found a "Kelli "wanna be" in the form of a food, drink, and fiction writer. I received a Joke gift basket for my birthday. One of her books and Bill Clintons (Giving) were in it. They both found there way in to the recycle bin.

Love your site.
