Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Anti-Gun Bills in Illinois

The usual suspects have crapped in their hands and thrown it against the wall to see what sticks. Same thing they do every year.

HB1294: 'Assault Weapon Ban'. A mish-mash of previous ban attempts. Poorly written including 'barrel shrouds' and .17HMR tube feds as dangerous machine guns. 90 days to register your guns including all your magazines over 10 rnds or you're a felon.

HB1599: Increases penalties for crimes committed w/ 'Assault Weapons'. Makes up the term 'High Capacity Ammunition' defined as any ammunition over .50 cal. It doesn't include an exclusion for shotgun ammo.

HB1855: Penalizes victims of crime for not reporting stolen firearms.

Just your average, everyday 'common-sense' anti-gun legislation. Call your reps to make sure this crap doesn't get any further than it already has.

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Unorganized Militia Gear


sastian said... Public Enemy No.1
Sponsor of all three of these bills and so progressive he must have forgotten the Oath of office he took as CPD

Cormac said...

Assault weapon attachment...?
What the crap does that even mean?

They're just making this stuff up, right? Is this part of a bad comedy skit?

Sigivald said...

So they'll be inventing the Double Barrel Assault Shotgun?


AuricTech said...

Assault weapon attachment...?
What the crap does that even mean?

Maybe they're talking about malware e-mail attachments....