Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dear Abby misses the mark...

Staying home and playing videogames is a better bonding experience than "killing for sport".

One alleged "educator" needs to change her undies as they have been filled to the brim w/ PSH:

DEAR ABBY: I was a preschool teacher for several years, and the children who were the biggest bullies and least socialized were always -- and I mean ALWAYS -- the ones graphically exposed to the killing of animals. These children were aged from 3 to 5, the same age as the grandson in South Carolina.

The gentle, studious, most popular children never spoke of hunting, but the bullies would talk at length about killing, guns and blood. It affected their emotional stability and ideas about death.

20 million hunters in the US. A few hundred hunting accidents/ year. Do the math. It is necessary to maintain healthy levels of species in todays world (including varmint control) and adds tens of millions of dollars into the economy through equipment purchases and licensing fees.
The boy is not out there lugging a firearm and doing the shooting. He's spending time w/ his father in a healthy outdoor environment and getting more exercise than the average kid today.

Apparently having a close relationship w/ your father in non-"progressive" hobbies is worse than having no relationship at all.


Anonymous said...

"Apparently having a close relationship w/ your father in non-"progressive" hobbies is worse than having no relationship at all."

or mother, grandfather, grandmother, siblings, cousins, that weird uncle.

I mean just look at how screwed up THESE kids are.

It's shameful.


Unknown said...

Yeah, and I bet those kids also wear shoes, or drink Cool-Aide (not to be confused with the Kool-Aide that the left drinks).

Like you said, 20 million hunters.

I especially like the woman whining about how hunters of today basically "snipe" their prey, as opposed to swinging from a vine to swipe game off its feet, or wearing a loin-cloth while crawling around on the ground sniffing for a scent trail a-la John Kerry.

It's upsetting how stupid people really are in this world.