WEAPONS: A. Discharge of Weapons: It shall be unlawful to discharge any firearm, air gun, BB gun, pistol, cannon, toy gun, bow, mechanically drawn bow, or any type of mechanical device projecting pellets, arrows, missiles or projectiles, leaden or otherwise or any other type of missile excepting in a regularly established shooting gallery or unless fired or discharged for ceremonial purposes with a weapon that may cause a report but does not deliver a projectile capable of causing serious injury and with the approval of the Chief of Police;So your kids playing in the yard w/ their Nerf guns are now breaking the law. Those toy bow and arrows I bought my kids on the way back from AZ last year? Might as well toss them. Don't want my kids to be hardened criminals at the ripe age of 6.
Do legislators ever actually READ these things before they pass them?

The national "representatives" obviously do not - why would the local ones?
Hmm, wouldn't that cover nailguns as well?
"Do legislators ever actually READ these things before they pass them?"
Normally, my response would be "nope!" However, this is Illinois, so it could be intentional.
I went to HighSchool in Charleston Illinois. I don't think I have ever been more glad to have escaped that place than I am today. The sad thing is, it wasn't such a bad place to live. The people are nice, it's big enough that you don't have to travel to another city just to buy groceries, but small enough that you don't have all the usual big city crap. Or at least that was how it was when I lived there.
Goodbye homemade slingshots.
Oh, and don't shoot a paper clip from a rubber band wrapped around your fingers.
That nerf longshot pictured above? Awesome. My 5 year old and I have dart wars from across the yard with them. Fortunately not in Illinois
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