XXXXXXXXXWhy? Well that's an easy one to answer. Because they CAN'T. Because no-one's listening to their message anymore. The ones the are are either pro-rights individuals keeping an eye on them or the few gun control fanatics (like Ladd Everitt) they have left.
We need to raise money and take on some pro-NRA Democrats in the primaries in 2012. Knock off a couple of those guys, and the other Democrats will start to think twice about kow-towing to the gun lobby.
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence We like the way you think XXXXXXX.
XXXXXXXXX Fine. So you have the website, Facebook page and bullhorn. Why don't you enable it to happen?
And their delusions of adequacy are just as fanciful:
We'll stop it by getting as loud and consistent as the other side. And then our numerical advantage will really kick in.'Numerical advantage' eh?
Let's take a look at that. CSGV: 2361 NRA: 882,709
Yes. Please. Get your 'supporters' to get loud. Show the world just who the 'unstable' ones are. Show the world that the buzzphrases are just that, nonsense words used to placate the fence-sitters. Please.

Knock off a couple of those guys, and the other Democrats will start to think twice about kow-towing to the gun lobby.
Sounds like somebody is being "targeted" but I guess it's okay when you're a lefty.
CSGV: 2361 NRA: 882,709
...and they are not Spartans.
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