Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why We Win

After two hours, marching and chanting in the sun, the demonstrators trickled away.
Dedication. IGOLD has thousands of marchers that are in the Capitol the entire day then go home and many continue to work towards a unified goal. How many of these individuals will do anything else? One? Two maybe.

It all comes down to dedication. We have more truly dedicated than they do.

And then there's the pointlessness of marching in front of a gun shop. Why don't they go to where the crimes are being committed? Why not in front of the local gang leader/drug dealer's house? Oh, right. That might be dangerous. Much easier to blame the tool.

So I'll say it again:
"Sure, I'll support more gun laws for you, as soon as you and your supporters write the names of every family member and neighbor that belongs to a gang and has a gun hidden on this sheet of paper. Let me know when you're done and we'll hold a joint press conference to name names and start to really bring the cycle of violence to an end."

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Chas said...

For most of its supporters, gun control is just a political fashion statement.

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is a political fashion statement. One rooted in bigotry and narrow-mindedness. The frightening aspect of it all is that some people sincerely hold those views. Others do not, but exploit that ignorance to further their political agenda. That is America in all of its glory.