Contributing to this epidemic of gun violence is a dangerous loophole in Illinois law that permits dangerous individuals to access deadly handguns without ever having to undergo a criminal background check. This means that gang members, felons, domestic violence offenders, and individuals with severe mental illness are able to purchase handguns with no questions asked.Except there is a question that, by law, already needs to be asked:
"Can I see your FOID card?"
You know, the license required to own a firearm or even purchase ammo in the state. The one that the police are supposed to confiscate if you become a prohibited purchaser.
So we know these people aren't stupid. They know the laws. They even have an entire organization of lawyers dedicated to help ban guns.
So why are they being deliberately dishonest in their portrayal?
Because they don't really care about 'gun violence'. The only thing they care about is banning scary guns.
And they know it.
And as polls show, the public knows it as well. I'll continue to do my part to inform those that don't .

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