“A gun thread, and all the usual suspects! Fewer than ten pro gun and I see new gun control folks every thread. Sensible citizens find it awfully difficult to justify gun rights when it is tied so closely with insurrectionists, right wing fringe groups, gun carrying marches, Ted Nugent, and other fanatics touting take over of a government. Trying to put a intellectual spin on your position is laughable. Most of the people at these marches will be bereft of teeth and mind. I have found it humorous that the gun lobby only allows a few educated, literate gun aficionados to post comments on sites such as HP.Well, first of all, the number of 'usual suspects' that support the Constitution outnumber the regulars who oppose individual rights at least 5:1 on every 'gun thread' on Huffpo. The rest of the comments are by individuals who pop in, drop some comment about p3nis size or stupid rednecks, then are never seen again. Some stick around for a few posts but they always devolve into the traditional ad hominems, etc like you see above.
Your 1789 interpretative 2nd Amendment people are very quickly becoming a lunatic fringe group. The Hutarees made you guys look awfully stupid!”
The facts are that the only gun control group that has ANY traction currently is MAIG and even that's limited to a few localities. Polls show increasing support for firearm rights. Most politicians are either pro-gun or afraid to try to push for their pet bills. Funding for most of the gun control groups has been dropping (yes I recognize correlation w/ the recession) while the firearms rights groups (NRA,SAF,GOA, JPFO, etc. ) are increasing their membership and the firearm industry is doing quite well.
More and more, this is what 'gun control' advocates are being reduced to. Statements that we're all paid shills. Bigoted stereotypes. Sophomoric insults. These have replaced even attempts at defending their beliefs w/ statistics or (mostly Joyce Funded) 'reports'.
That's not even counting the nonsense assertions like, for example, the NRA used its control of Congress to force the FBI to skew crime data. Watching them hop when called on to prove those kinds of assertions is more entertaining than "Dancing w/ the Stars".
The Hutaree thing is already off the radar while the only ones squealing about 'right-wing extremists' are also the ones that can't stop themselves from using terms like 'tea baggers' and other inflammatory rhetoric. Rhetoric which tends to turn off the 'fence-sitters' and make them look more closely at what is actually going on instead of the sound-bytes they normally hear so that even NPR is taking a second look.
I hope they continue to yell "We Win, They Lose, Now Let's Get To Work" while relying on one-shot flame warriors, penis jokes and the accomplishments of politicians from over a decade ago.
It makes our job that much easier.

As I commented over at SFIH, I listened to that NPR piece this morning as I got ready for work.
Nowhere else are ya gonna hear about militias searching for missing persons in the woods or collecting clothing for needy kids.
Kudos to NPR.
I find the following line very interesting:
I have found it humorous that the gun lobby only allows a few educated, literate gun aficionados to post comments on sites such as HP.
I have run into this type of thinking in several other blogs as well. The antis seem to really think that all of the gun rights supporters take their marching orders from directly from the NRA. I guess since their astroturf organizations run like that, they think everyone else's does too.
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