Each and every one has brought up McVeigh and the OKC bombing along w/ any other possible link their minds can create no matter how many degrees of separation.
This is the reality.
They WANT something to happen.
Yep, I said it. They WANT someone to bring a gun and do something stupid with it, preferably with someone (or someones) important getting shot.
Don't believe me? From the horse's
and the fact that until someone famous is shot, or something truly horrible happens, handgun restriction is simply not viewed as a priority.They not only WANT it to happen, they NEED it to happen.
They NEED tragedies like Virginia Tech and Columbine.
They NEED high victim counts.
You can tell just in the way that the VPC revels in pointing out each and every alleged misdeed by 'Concealed Carry' holders (even when it's not accurate) and like when the Brady Campaign sent out a donation request for $32 on the day of the VT shootings.
Their statistics and 'reports' have been and are regularly debunked as nonsense.
They're getting destroyed nationwide in both legislation, litigation, and in funding.
The only HOPE they have to CHANGE that is for there to be as many mass shootings as possible, no matter the situation. It doesn't matter how many laws already on the books were broken by the killers, the only thing that matters is how many victims and their families they can convince to repeat their gun control talking points.
Then they can point and say "SEE! SEE! WE TOLD YOU SO!!!" and start yelling for more bans and restrictions that, as usual, wouldn't have effected or stopped the situation in any way.
They are desperate to regain relevancy and, like any desperate person, will cling to anything to remain afloat, including using murdered innocents as pawns in their agenda.
They WANT it to happen. They NEED it to happen.
So don't be fooled by their crocodile tears should a tragedy occur. There will be a smile behind it.

They ran Big Bill Clinton, gun banner extraordinaire, out there in front of the networks today to invoke the horror of McVeigh.
Hammer, hammer, hammer the Narrative.
Maybe some deranged leftard will buy a gun and bag Paris Hilton, or some other moonbat Hollywood type.
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