Thursday, April 4, 2013

New UM Infantry Patch: Tan Subdued

It's been awhile but a new UM patch is finally available.  Infantry in Tan Subdued.

Patches  are $5 ea. for one or two, $4 ea for three or more in any combination. For bulk orders of 10 items or more, E-mail for pricing.  . All prices include shipping and any applicable fees. Paypal, Check, or MO accepted. To purchase using PayPal use:

thirdpower at hotmail dot com

Or you can send a check or MO to:

Roy Kubicek
PO Box 184
Ashmore, IL 61912

Make sure to include a detailed list of the items you want and a way to contact you in case of a discrepancy.

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1 comment:

legaleagle_45 said...

Instead of Infantry, can I have ne that says "JAG"?