Monday, December 19, 2011

The Brady Campaign Edsel

That 'major announcement' of the new Brady Campaign 'initiative' to end 'gun violence' once and for all?

Lighting a candle.

I am underwhelmed. This is what they classified as 'groundbreaking'. A candlelight vigil.

You want evidence that the Brady Campaign is in its death throes and its leadership is completely uninspired and/or incapable? This is it.

Sebastian TBFKASIH is equally unimpressed.

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Lumpy said...

A candle? Well there goes the ozone layer.....

I think they should have the vigil somewhere further north. Whats the weather in Minneapolis or Anchorage?

Thirdpower said...

Oh I'm sure Joan Peterson will hold a vigil. That and ringing bells is the extent of their effectiveness there.

Braden Lynch said...

Pathetic. We should pity them, but I despise people doing us demonstrable evil in the name of good.

The blood for every murder or rape that was facilitated by their limits they have enacted is on their hands.

John Richardson said...

I suggest Joan go to International Falls or Duluth. I understand it isn't exactly balmy there on the typical Jan. 8th.

Chuck Kuecker said...

Left a comment on their site. Let's see how long it lasts...