Saturday, December 31, 2011

Days Of Our Trailers: 2011 Year In Review

Blog stats for the year 2011:

Page LoadsUnique VisitorsFirst Time VisitorsReturning Visitors

Overall readership increased by about 18% in both first time and returning visitors compared to 2010 which corresponds to a significant increase in the number of posts for the year.

I am unable to do the most popular pages or top ten referrals due to a programming error. When we switched over to the 'new look' back in May, I didn't take into account various code additions I'ld made therefore Google Analytics didn't register it until I noticed it sometime in November. Oops. Although the Lexicon and Primer have been popular along w/ the traditional 'Modern Militia' series. Since April however, DOOT has gone from 61 to 82 followers on Google, 331 to 365 followers on Facebook and from 104 to 233 on Twitter. The word is getting out there.

DOOT attended IGOLD 2011 and GRPC 2011 but was unable again to make the NRA convention. Illinois is now the last holdout state w/o CCW in any form making us a laughingstock. We've had much fun watching the demise of the Brady Campaign, CSGV and other anti-gun groups as they flail around in their death throws, attempting to remain relevant. Kaveman is taking a sabbatical from blogging and we wish him well in his endeavors.

2012 is another election year and we're likely going to end up w/ another POS as POTUS no matter who wins. What will matter is who they nominate to the courts. It's going to be a long year as the campaign season heats up and the endless attacks flood every type of media in existence.

Dig in and keep your powder dry folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

2010 YIR
2009 YIR
2008 YIR

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Advice To Brady Campaign: Take The Car Keys Away From The Intern

Otherwise he/she might be involved in a wreck.

Reminds me of our good buddy ATR.

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Brady Campaign: You're All Potential Criminals

Brady Campaign Board Member Joan Peterson on gun owners:
they are law abiding until suddenly, they are not.
Just like all men are potential rapists.
All women are potential prostitutes.
All gun owners are potential murderers.

So we all should be treated as potential criminals.

This is the mindset of 'gun control'.

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New Year's Gun Show, Tuscola IL

Arcola Guns & Ammo is having a gun and knife show at the Tuscola Community Building, Tuscola Illinois on Saturday December 31st 2011 8am-4pm and Sunday January 1st 2012 8am-3pm.

Admission $3 under 12 free with adult. FOIDS processed and food sold

For table information call 217-369-0232 or 217-552-2967

I've got a table reserved and will be there w/ all my surplus plus a few other goodies.

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We're Winning, One Step At A Time

Liberty University--Since LU announced the new firearms policy in late November, 64 students, faculty and staff have applied for permission to carry guns on campus, according to university officials. Liberty officials would not disclose how many applications had been approved, but said they received requests from 26 students and 38 faculty and staff members by semester’s end.

Liberty University Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. said the new policy has garnered widespread support on campus.

“The complaints have been almost non-existent,” Falwell said. “There were many, many thank-yous from students, faculty and staff … It was an outpouring of gratitude.”

The policy, approved in November by Liberty’s Board of Trustees, replaced a total ban of firearms on university grounds.
And when the 'blood in the streets' and 'wild west shootouts' DON'T happen, the anti's fear mongering and paranoia will seem just so many farts in the wind.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mighty White Of You Dennis

Among all the Western, high-income nations of the world, 80 percent of gun deaths occur in the U.S., a particularly unwelcome instance of American exceptionalism.
-Dennis Henigan, Brady Campaign President
So all those 'non-Western' nations who are also 'high income' (Russian, Brazil, South Africa, Mexico) don't matter. Or at least aren't politically expedient to talk about.

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Why We Win

Even self proclaimed 'PR Professionals' who support gun control can't come up w/ a cogent argument or supportable evidence. Case in point, separate but simultaneous conversations:
NRA defends gun rights of TerrWatchList people, who bought 1,000+ guns in past sev years. Not worried about govt. records.
5 hours ago

So you support secret gov't lists depriving people of their civil rights w/o due process? Even against watchlists.
2 hours ago

Oh please, quit the fantasies! Some people can't stick with reality, have to create fantasy enemies and doomsday scenarios. So show the due process involved in the watchlist? Why does ACLU oppose it? What criteria for being on it?

The terror lists are the least of my worries. It's the felons, teens, other prohibiteds who do most shooting.
So once the buzz phrases were questioned, the topic gets changed.
See gun stats for 2010 from cdc. 12,632 gun homicides. Whose numbers are you using?

FBI UCR has 12,996 TOTAL weapon homicides for 2010. CDC #'s from 2007.
2 hours ago
BTW, here's the link to the CDC data. page 35.
Thanks. I looked up FBI UCR for 2010 and there were 14,748 total murders, but not specified by method.
3 hours ago
Except it is.
Didn't use CDC from 2007. Also, total weapon homicides could include other types of weapons.
2 hours ago

So your number just happened to be exactly same as 2007 data? Show the 2010 data then.
2 hours ago
No further comment on that subject. Shock. Then he resorted to character attacks by accusing me of supporting domestic abuse because the OOP/RO (acronyms he didn't even know) system is a joke.
Wait a minute. DV restraining orders? You must be pretty far gone if you're defending dv abusers.
1 hour ago

Nice ploy. What does it take to get an OOP/RO? Are accusations the same as guilt?
1 hour ago

U guys all argue same way. There is no 100% fix. Take the guns, put on NICS list, make it harder to go after women/children.
1 hour ago
He couldn't give any examples except variations on 'guns-r-bad' mkay' and then disappeared.

I feel sorry for anyone who hires him for their PR. They're in for a rude awakening.

UPDATE: He's back to play. Since he was unable to defend ANY of his claims w/ evidence, he's following typical SOP and resorting to character attacks. Oh, and he's a 'gun owner butt':
Judging by series of Tweets you sent, you're incapable of nuance. I am a gun owner, too. Paranoia kills reason.
21 minutes ago

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Another B!tchslap To DC

City ordered to pay $1m in attorney's fees over Heller.

Poor babies. Maybe locals should think about this before they endeavor to keep people stripped of their civil rights.

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#OWS 99% Responsible For DC Crime

Outside of their own violent actions and destruction of public property, the OWS twits in DC have pulled so many police from their regular beats that crime is spiking in the double digits.
Kristopher Baumann, chairman of D.C.'s Fraternal Order of Police wrote a letter to Mayor Vincent Gray stating violent crime is up by 17% and overall crime is up by 14% since protesters moved into the city 3 months ago.
They've been given a permit till the end of February. How many more tax dollars are going to be used treating the ones who get hypothermia and frostbite from camping in the middle of winter? How many more victims are these neo-hippies going to create?

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Unpossible In Chicago

Two people were NOT killed and five others NOT wounded when a gunman DIDN'T go into a Church's Chicken in (surprise, surprise) Chicago's Englewood neighborhood yesterday evening.

These things didn't happen because of Chicago's 'reasonable, common-sense' gun laws that the city has spent millions of tax-payer dollars to uphold and spread throughout the rest of the state.

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Idiots, We Has Them Too

Gotta love when people are so immensely stupid they re-enforce every anti-gun stereotype you can think of and give the Anti's another anecdote.

Father gives his 17 YR OLD daughter a 2-barrel, .38 derringer to carry in her purse to protect herself. No training. No holster. No CCW license. You can pretty much guess what happens next.
Gun fires from girl's purse in Cheyenne Starbucks
*sigh* Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.

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Trust Violent Criminals W/ Your Lives?

"Give them what they want and they won't hurt you."
That's been the mantra of the Brady Campaign for years and it is continued by BC board member/Joyce Foundation puppet leader Joan Peterson as she acts the apologist for criminal activity in lieu of self defense:
Did the robber intend to shoot someone to kill? Did the robber have a gun? Is this a shoot first situation where a shooting is justified for self defense or the inevitability of bodily harm? Would the robber just have gotten the employee into a place where he could have taken money with no harm?
So before you can defend yourself in Gun Control-land, you have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that a violent criminal is 'just' after your property. Otherwise you're at fault. To them, defending yourself is classified as 'gun violence'. They don't care about victims or criminals as long as none of it is done w/ a gun.

Where's the 'common-sense'? Certainly not in the shallowed halls of the Brady Campaign. Link
More at Weer'd's

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