I found one.
"If you are a victim or survivor of gun violence, please see our list of resources so that you can get the appropriate help you need for your circumstances. If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911 or your local emergency number."
If you have the time to pick up a phone, dial 911, give your exact location and situation to the dispatcher and then wait 20 minutes for someone to show up, then you are not in immediate danger.
The hypocrisy is quite delicious.
Don't use a gun to defend yourself. It is better to call some total stranger with a gun and have them defend you.
But even this is a farce since the BC site also quotes Jesus as to what to do if attacked...
"You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you."
Sorry, Paul... I prefer to resist evil people.
If Jesus has a problem with that, then I've got a problem with Jesus.
On a more cerebral level, "eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" is adressing a REVENGE situation.
Those of us who value our own existence to the point of defending it with lethal force if needed, are talking about that first eye and that first tooth remaining squarely where God put it in the first place.

Those who would quote your Bible reference as advice for being a pacifist in the face of violence are taking scripture out of context. The Bible must be examined as a whole and when It is, the Bible is incredibly consistent. The references you cite are talking about personal interactions between friends and families and are focused on differences of opinion, perceived wrongs, and placing the importance of relationships above financial gain or loss. Multiple passages in the Bible reference the defence of oneself against physical injury or death and provide for full justification such as Luke 22:36.
Joel Fulton
President, Southside Sportsman Club
President, Freedom Firearms
NRA Senior Training Counselor
Battle Creek, Michigan
I believe the verses: "...do not resist an evil person. if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." Have to do with an INSULT, not with a violent attack. He pretty specifically doesn't say "If someone tries to kill or seriously hurt you, let them."
I can see how Jesus would agree, if you're being mugged, give them your possessions. However, giving up your life or allowing them to attack, beat and injure you, nowhere in the scriptures and/or words of Jesus have I ever seen such a thing.
"If you have the time to pick up a phone" ... And if you don't?
Joseph Ludi just put the exclamation point on my post.
what part of the state do you reside in?
I'm an orygunner myself and would like to buy you a beer if within a 100 mile radius.
I did two posts on this subject a while back and our favorite punching bag anti-gun blogger called me pathetic for using Scripture to support my position.
Wonder what he thinks of his side using Scripture?
When people use the "turn the other cheek" line, I reply with this: "He(Jesus) said to them, 'But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.'" (Luke 22:36, NIV)
I doubt if He was thinking the sword was to be used only as a fashion accessory.
It's interesting that Jesus was more interested in personal protection from thieves, than protection from the elements. But I'm not a Biblical scholar.
The "go with him two miles" was addressing a point of ethnic contention -- being required by law to carry a Roman soldier's gear no more than one mile. So it's not all about friends and family, but also people you might have considered your enemy.
This passage a condemnation of revenge, anger, hatred, bitterness and prejudice. It is not an endorsement of pacifism, but of love, patience and forgiveness. Love means praying for your enemy; it does not mean allowing your enemy to prey on you.
Which is exactly what I tell women in domestic abuse situations. I wonder, does the Brady Campaign advocate "turn the other cheek" for women in abusive relationships? How hypocritical are they?
Two men stand before God.
One says, "Lord, I had to kill him, he was going to kill me and the family you gave me"
The other says, "Oh Sweet Jesus, I let the pervert have his way with me, and the wife, and the kids you gave me to protect, and then I let him kill us all, ain't ya proud of me? I did it just for you"
I just can't imagine being that second person.
Not that this is an important point with respect to the blog entry, but "an eye for an eye ..." predates the Bible.
Check out the history of lex talionis.
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