I told Thirdpower about 8 months ago that I would convert MikeB to a pro-2A supporter within 6 months.
In this endeavor, I have failed on a level hard to measure. I won't stop trying because it's in my nature to attempt to stop the sun from rising, the grass from growing and the wind from blowing, just to see if it's possible.
Basically, I'm a total retard. I believe in the impossible, one small insignificant impossibility at a time.
I have since revised my bluster to state that I believe that I can convert MikeB to a nuetral within 20 years.
I disagree with everything that dribbles out of his keyboard, but I honestly like the guy and would be more than happy to sit down and buy him a beer or fourteen.
The reason is simple.
He allows comments and responds to comments.
For all those who wish to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights by calling him names and demonizing him on a personal level, I won't directly throw you under the bus.
I simply ask that you appreciate the fact that we have access to a true anti and Brady Campaign supporter who has the intestinal fortitude to make his case and back it up as best as he sees fit.
That's worth something in my book.
Let's engage MikeB on a cerebral level and defeat him with his own words/logic.
Calling him unjust names doesn't really help.
Update: looks like my linking problem is still not resolved, so MikeB can be found here...

Links gave me fits until I read this article.
Clickable link to MikeB's blog.
who has the intestinal fortitude to make his case and back it up as best as he sees fit.
Sorry. Must be a fall cold.
Given that individual's complete and utter lack of understanding concerning basic statistics, factual history, interpretation of the word "is", logical thought, and a couple other key points concerning "making a case", he is about as useful in that regard as a rock making its case that it should be able to fly.
Best of luck with your endeavour, though... I will not directly call you an idiot for your timeline, but suffice to say that if you are hoping to see any change at all in your lifespan, then you are barking up the wrong tree.
Having read some of MikeB's "comments" on other blogs, I'm not too sure about his ever "making a case". But I do agree that he is brave enough to put himself out there on the line for his beliefs.
As for converting him to pro-2A, may I suggest that you check your glasses lenses to see if they're rose-colored? Otherwise, I may have to call you "DooT-y".
At least it will (should) keep you off the streets and out of trouble at night.
With fun, and respect,
B Woodman
I'm past the point of talking to the antis.
+1 MikeB doesn't make a case, instead he makes anti-rights circles.
Oh he'll even throw you a bone to lead you on, like admitting the gun law of the day is ineffective and stupid, or ask for suggestions with future laws.
Then he'll just ignore anything he or you said and quote the next Brady presser and nod his head.
I suspect the mostly likely reason he would convert to neutral in 20 years is if he dies of old age.
His mind simply does not function (I'm tempted to put a period here) in a rational manner.
yeah the period is in the wrong place, Joe.
Remember this is the same turd that not only lies about gun control, but also lies about his personal life and past.
He's severely mentally ill.
Valid points by all. I'll addmit my language was a bit strong when I said "he makes a case." It qualifies as making a case in his head.
My main point was that he allows comments and will respond to comments if you make a civil arguement.
The way that I think about it is that he regurjitates every Brady presser so this is a psuedo way for me to debate the BC concepts.
Sure, I'd love to debate Helmke or Hamm or Pennington directly, but they're savvy enough to know we'll hand them their own ass if they dare jump into the fray.
If anybody knows of any other antis who allow comments and respond to comments, hook me up with a link.
He's a slightly improved sort of troll. He draws you in thinking you are having a discourse, when in fact,he is only here to do what trolls always do. Let him go. Write him off, delete anything he posts on your site.
Here's weerdbeard's promise on this guy: http://weerdbeard.livejournal.com/589812.html
Here's Breda's: http://thebredafallacy.blogspot.com/2009/11/fair-warning.html
I will quote her for you: I am now and forevermore going to be deleting comments by mikeb302000 because all he ever does is come here and try to stir up arguments. This is not a person who wants a real debate, or who can be swayed to a more 2A-friendly mindset. He's a troll, despite all attempts to appear otherwise. He knows nothing about guns except he that he hates them, and us. He's also been using my blog to link to his own posts in the comment section, seeking blog hits and attention and I simply won't allow that.
Warned is armed.
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