Individual vs collective?
Who is the militia?
The intent of the Founders.
Constitutional Rights vs State powers.
Common sense this and reasonable that.
Every time we turn around, we have to go back to the beginning and start the slow process of teaching people how to unlearn falsehoods.
Not that I'm pooh-poohing that approach, I understand that it's necessary. I'm just growing tired of it. I imagine this is what it must be like being a multi-grade school teacher for small children. Start them out making simple drawings decorated with elbow maccaronni and some wonderful tasting glue. Teach them how to share toys, even the really cool ones. Tell them that pissing in the sandbox is a major no-no(I only did this because we had made a mock-up hick-town farm and the irrigation ditches were dry). I felt that accuracy was paramount, yet my teacher felt otherwise. In hindsight, it's probably a good thing she caught me in the act because as I was relieving myself, I was staring down at the back-forty and thought they could use a few cow patties. Move on to the alphabet, counting to ten and what happens when you mix primary colors. Then comes addition, subtraction and eventually the dreaded multiplication tables.
Your current class graduates and you get a whole new batch of youngsters and start the whole process over again from scratch.
This is the first installment of a theme I'm going to develope for those who wish to bypass all the soft tissue we've all grown adept at delivering out of sheer repetition, and cut close to the bone from the start.
My main gamble is that it will employ pure logic; something the antis seem to have an issue with. But it will be logic of this magnitude...
All men are mortal
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
What I fear is that the antis are coming from a position exemplified by...
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, all men are Socrates........with a freakishly small penis.
So here goes; feel free to try this out on your local anti and let me know if it works or if I'm a retard on a level usually only achieved in parallel universes where Janet Reno is considered a hot chick.
My hope is to create arguments that I fully admit may not sway the antis, but I hope that if they fall into the trap of trying to refute them, will expose themselves for the naked idiots that they are. Also consider that there are far more nuetrals out there than antis, and they both vote. Fence sitters are both the true "fish in the barrel" and the most valuable ally we can recruit.
1. LEO resources are finite.
1.5 LEO organizations and the associated "Justice System(DA's, jails, judges, parole boards, etc)" MUST pick and choose which crimes they make arrests for, which ones they prosecute and which people they release early in order to make room for this whole new class of criminals.
2. The laws already on the books are not fully enforced due to item #1. Feel free to customize this one due to experience. My standby anecdote is a guy up the road a ways from me who COULD HAVE received 245 years for his latest crime and ended up doing 5 months.
3. If another new law is passed, the limited resources which ALREADY do a piss-poor job at enforcing the ones we already have will DECREASE due to a brand new half-assed attempt of enforcing it.
4. Net result is that all laws will be enforced less. Arrests for violations of prior laws will decrease. Prosecutions for violating prior laws will decrease.
When's the last time the police stopped you for jaywalking or spitting on the sidewalk?

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