Continuing the adventure from here.
The hermit had told the group about a cave that would offer clues as to the nature of our quest. Locating the entrance, it
initially looks to be a natural cavern but further investigation leads the party
into an area that had been intricately designed and older than any of them had
ever seen before. A series of traps and
puzzles confounded the party for a time but they were eventually able to
overcome them discovering some clues as to its builders and a prophesy of doom
to come. Soon a battle ensued against
the recent inhabitants of the temple, a magic-user of some sort and a few inexperienced fighters, who were quickly dispatched. Further exploration discovered the fact that
the building was in fact a temple of an ancient race, previously unheard
of, known as the Eldren, destroyed during
the Great Battle against the Old Ones. Some of the temple was inaccessible, reacting strongly to several attempts to penetrate deeper. Much gold and several magical items were
recovered. One item being a sentient sword created by the Eldren known as Ahn-Sehm
(Servant of Sehm) that was assembled from pieces discovered in the temple. The sword, a sarcastic creature, became
bonded to Frederick the Cleric.
a sword bonded to..a cleric?
oh wait..PFRPG...not D&D..nevermind....
We like to joke that PFRPG 1ed is Siembieda's response to everything he disliked about early D&D. It comes roughly between AD&D and 2nd ed. A rough setup w/ lots of ambiguities, it allows for more actual role play than early D&D and more variety in classes and races.
I've always enjoyed the Palladium system for its variety and flexibility (what other system can handle a longbowman, a Veritech pilot, a superhero, and a Ninja Turtle - simultaneously - without breaking?), and many of my favorite player characters EVER were created using it.
Archer, do you play 1st or 2nd ed fantasy? I like the palladium universal system but imo their 2nd ed. fantasy basically turned it into Rifts Dimension Book Palladium, taking away its unique flavor.
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